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REGULAR MEETING <br />4 ►���ttl:�t� �t1. <br />REPORT OF THE ORDINANCE COMMITTEE <br />6. Section 21-- Taximeter Required <br />Line 6-- Eliminate the word "either" <br />Line 6 -- Eliminate the word "'the" and substitute the word "a" <br />Line 7- .- Eliminate the words "transmission or from one of the front wheels" and substitute the words <br />"non- powered wheel" <br />7. Section 22- -Rates of Fare - -Rate Card Required <br />Eliminate the preamble beginning with words "No owner " and ending with the word "rates " and substitute t <br />following words "The rates of fare charged by the operator of any taxicab shall be as follows:" <br />8. Section 25 -- Solicitation, Acceptance and Discharge of Passengers <br />If <br />Eliminate sub - paragraph (d) Cruising and substitute the following: (d) Cruising - -Any taxicab driver may <br />solicit-, employment by driving through any public street without stopping, other than when required <br />because of obstruction of traffic, and at such a speed as not to interfere with or impede traffic.,, <br />9. Section 26 - -Taxi Stands, etc. <br />Sub - paragraph (b) line 1 -- Change the word "presentation " to read "representation" <br />Sub - paragraph (b) line 3 -- eliminate the word "license" and substitute therefore "Holder of <br />Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity " <br />Sub - paragraph (b), second paragraph, line 1 -- eliminate the word "or" and substitute therefore the <br />word "and" <br />Sub - paragraph (b), second paragraph, Line 4-- eliminate the word "occupation" and substitute therefore <br />the word "occupancy". <br />Sub - paragraph (b), third paragraph, line 2-- eliminate the word "individual" and substitute therefore <br />the word "a" <br />Sub - paragraph (b), third paragraph, line 3-- change "certificates " to "certificate" and change <br />"have" to "has ". <br />Sub - paragraph (b),fourth paragraph, - -Add the following words to the end of the paragraph: <br />"Such taxistand permits shall continue to be valid from year to year upon payment of the <br />prescribed fee or until suspended or revoked pursuant to the provisions of this ordinance." <br />Sub - paragraph (b), fifth paragraph, 5th line, eliminate the word "enroach " and substitute therefore <br />the word "encroach" <br />Sub-paragraph (b), fifth paragraph, add the following words to the end of the paragraph: <br />"Such taxistand permit may revoked by the Board of Public Works and Safety for good cause <br />shown after due notice to the holder of the Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity; <br />and hearing. " <br />10. Section 27--- Parking, etc. <br />Line 1 - -- after the word "owner" add the words, "or operator" <br />Line 5-- eliminate the word "owner" and substitute the word "holder" <br />11. Section 45-- Effective Date <br />This should become section 48 and section 45 should read as follows: <br />LICENSE -- REQUIRED <br />No person shall operate any commercial bus, making five or more stops within the city for the purpose <br />of taking on or discharging passengers, without first having obtained a license for such bus. <br />A SECTION 46 SHOULD BE ADDED <br />FEES <br />Any person desiring to obtain a license under Section 45 shall pay to the City Controller, for the <br />benefit of the city, for each commercial bus to be so operated, an annual license fee of seventy - <br />five dollars for each vehicle having a rated seating capacity of more than twelve passengers; <br />provided, that such license fee shall not apply to commercial vehicles which are operating under <br />the terms of any contract entered into by the owner thereof with the Board of Public Works and Safety <br />and.ratified by the Common Council and which are operated regularly under a regular time schedule; <br />provided further, that the license fees for vehicles operated under any such contract and which <br />have rated seating capacity of more than twelve passengers shall be twenty -five dollars per year. <br />Section 47 -- SUBSTITUTE VEHICLES: <br />No license required by Section 45 shall be required for vehicles held in reserve for the purpose of <br />substituting while vehicles on which license has been issued are being repaired, in which case the <br />license'tagc: on the vehicle for which a license has been issued and which is being repaired may <br />be transferred temporarily to,such reserve vehicle while it is being used as a substitute for the <br />regular vehicle. <br />Councilman Allen made a motion that the amendments, as submitted be adopted. Councilman Palmer seconded the <br />motion. Motion carried. <br />