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PETITION (Continued) <br />Councilman Allen made a motion that the petition be referred to the Area Plan Commission. Councilman <br />Szymkowiak seconded the motion. Motion carried. <br />REPORT OF LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE <br />March 18, 1966 <br />To the Common Council of the City of South Bend: <br />Your Legislative Committee to whom was referred "AN ORDINANCE REPEALING SECTION II OF CHAPTER 26 OF ORDINANCE <br />NO. 4608 -63, BEING THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA, 1962, RELATING TO ALCOHOLIC <br />BEVERAGES BEING PROHIBITED IN CERTAIN PLACES, AND SUBSTITUTING NEW SECTIONS IN LIEU OF THOSE_'.REPEALED'." <br />Respectfully report that they have examined the matter and that in their opinion the Ordinance should <br />be reported favorable to the Council. <br />Councilman Allen made a motion that the report be accepted as read, and that the Ordinance be set for <br />public hearing on April 11, 1966. Councilman Szymkowiak seconded the motion. Motion carried. <br />REPORT OF ORDINANCE COMMITTEE <br />Reports the Taxi Cab Ordinance favorably with the following amendments: <br />1. Section I-- Definitions <br />' Sub- paragraph F line 4 -- eliminate the word "individual "; the word "Certificates" should be changed <br />to read "Certificate" <br />Sub - paragraph F line 5 -- Change the word "have to "has" <br />Subparagraph F, last line -- Change the word "company" to "business" <br />Sub- paragraph J, first line -- add the words "on public property" inserting them between the words <br />"place" and "where ". <br />Sub - paragraph J next to last line -- eliminate the words,from and including, "install ", through to the <br />end of the paragraph and substitute for those words "receive passengers ". <br />Subparagraph M -- eliminate this paragraph in its entirety and add a new sub - paragraph M as follows: <br />Operator -- any person owning, in charge of, or managing a taxicab business in the City. <br />2. Section 6 -- Liability Insurance Required <br />Line 4 -- Substitute the words "Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000.00)" in lieu of words "Twenty-Five Thousand <br />($25,000.00)" <br />Line 6 -- Change the word "accident" to read "occurrence ". <br />Line 8 -- Substitute the words "One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000.00)" in lieu of words "Fifty <br />Thousand Dollars ($50,000.00)" <br />Line 10- Substitute the words "Three Hundred Thousand Dollars ($300,000.00)" in lieu of the words "One <br />Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($150,000.00). <br />Line 12- Change the word "accident "to read "occurrence ". <br />Add at the end of this section the following words - - -: <br />"Such policy of insurance on file in the office of the City Controller shall contain the following provision: <br />The City of South Bend, through the office of the City Controller, will be given 15 days notice prior to <br />the effective date of the cancellation or other material change of this policy." <br />3. Section 7 -- Fees <br />Line 4 -- Change the words "Fifty Dollars($50.00) to read "Thirty -Five DollarsC$35.00)" <br />Line 1-- eliminate the following words - - "or continued in operation" <br />Line 2-- eliminate the word "annual" and substitute therefore the word "initial" <br />Add the following to the end of this section: <br />"The initial license fee of $500.00, as provided for in this section shall not apply to persons now <br />having a valid certificate of public convenience and necessity" <br />Line 6 & 7 - Eliminate the words "Shall be for the calendar year and" <br />4. Section 11-- Application For Drivers License <br />Line 3 - -Last sub - paragraph the word "suffering" should be substituted for the word "inflicted" <br />Add to this last paragraph the following words: <br />"The provisions of this section shall not apply to persons now having a valid taxicab drivers license <br />at the time this ordinance becomes effective, but such persons shall comply with the renewal provisions <br />of this section on and after January 1, 1967 ". <br />5. Section 20 -- Designation of Taxicabs <br />Line 3 -- Eliminate the word "owner" and substitute therefore the words "Holder of a Certificate of Public <br />Convenience and Necessity, and the - number of the license plainly painted 5 inches in height, on the <br />rear of such vehicle." <br />