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REGULAR MEETING OCTOBER 25, 1965 <br />ORDINANCE, FIRST AND SECOND READING ( Continued) <br />District "F" Heighth and Area District for the property commonly known as 1305 Oakland St. <br />/s/ Frank E. Horka <br />The letter was accepted and placed on file. <br />ORDINANCE, FIRST AND SECOND READING <br />AN ORDINANCE ZONING AN ANNEXED TRACT NOW WITHIN AND <br />A PART OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA (Lots 247 and 254 in revised Plat of Broadmoor <br />Third Section) <br />October 25, 1965 <br />To: The Common Council of the City of South Bend, South Bend, Indiana <br />The undersigned respectfully as"as leave to withdraw its Petition asking for the rezoning from <br />"A" residential and use district and "A" height and area district to "C" Commercial use district and <br />"C" Height and area district of the following described real estate, now pending before your <br />Honorable Body: <br />Lots Numbered Two Hundred Forty- seven (247) to Two <br />Hundred Fifty -four (254) both incluseive, in the revised <br />Plat of Broadmoor, Third Section, an Addition to the <br />City of South Bend. <br />Respectfully submitted, <br />First Bank and Trust Company <br />of South B @nd, as Trustee <br />Byi. /s/ W. E. Voor, its attorney <br />The letter was accepted and placed on file. <br />ORDINANCE, FIRST AND SECOND READING <br />AN.ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING AND TRANSFERRING %5,000.00 INTO <br />ACCOUNT XX -252, DESIGNATED AS SERVICES CONTRACTUAL, REPAIRS <br />OF EQUIPMENT, BY TRANSFERRING IT FROM ACCOUNTS XX- 321,DES- <br />IGNATED AS SUPPLIES, GASOLINE AND XX -722, DESIGNATED AS <br />PROPERTIES, MOTOR EQUIPMENT, RESPECTIVELY, AND REPEALING <br />ORDINANCES NUMBERED 4794 -65 and 4795 -65 HERETOFORE PASSED, <br />ALL IN THE GENERAL FUND. <br />The ordinance was given first reading by title and second reading in full. Councilman Geib made a motion <br />that the ordinance be set for public hearing on November 8, 1965. Councilman Allen seconded the motion. <br />Motion carried. <br />RESOLUTION NO. 117 -65 <br />RESOLUTION FOR ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATIONS IN THE ZOO <br />FEED ACCOUNT OF THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC PARKS,IN <br />THE AMOUNT OF FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($500.00) AND <br />THE TRANSFER OF THE SAME FROM THE COAL ACCOUNT IN <br />THE SAME CATEGORY, TO -WIT: SUPPLIES. ALL IN THE <br />GENERAL PARK FUND. <br />Whereas, Certain extraordinary conditions have developed since the adoption of the existing <br />annual budget, so that it is now necessary to appropriate more money than was appropriated in the <br />annual budget for the various functions of City Government to meet extraordinary contingencies; and <br />Whereas, Additional funds for Zoo Feed are urgently needed by the-Department of Public <br />Parks to assure its ability to properly perform its function and the sum of $500.00 is needed forthwith; <br />and <br />Whereas, A surplus exists in another account where it is not presently needed at this <br />time; and more specifically as follows, to -wit: <br />1. Five Hundred Dollars in account 311 designated as Supplies, Coal <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, That the <br />sum of $500.00 be transferred to Account Number 372 designated as Supplies, Zoo Feed, by transferring it <br />from the following account to -wit: <br />2. Five Hundred Dollars(4500.00) from Account 311, both of'said accounts being in <br />- the same category, to -wit: Supplies of the Department of Public Parks. <br />/s/ Janet S. Allen <br />Member of the Common Council <br />Speaking :in favor of the resolution was Ralph Newman, Superintendent of Parks. The Resolution was <br />adopted by a roll call vote of 8 ayes, 0 nays, 1 absent (Councilman Glass) <br />