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REGULAR MEETING VZtl ,l`MZK 1q, 1704 <br />RESOLUTION NO. 89 - -64 (Continued) <br />RESOLUTION OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA <br />APPROVING GENERAL NEIGHBORHOOD RENEWAL PLAN <br />WHEREAS a general plan is in existence and is recognized and used as a guide for the general development of the <br />Locality as a whole; and, also there has been presented to the Housing and Home Finance Administrator, and said ! <br />Administrator has approved, a Program for Community Improvement (Workable Program) for the community; and <br />WHEREAS the City of South Bend Plan Commission which is the duly designated and acting official planning body <br />for the Locality, has reported to the Government Body respecting the conformity-,,-,of said General Neighborhood <br />Renewal Plan to the general plan for the Locality as a whole: <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Common Council of the City of South Bend, Indiana, as follows: <br />1. That the General Neighborhood Renewal Plan for the area aforementioned, having <br />been duly reviewed and considered, is hereby approved; that it is determined to <br />be adequate as an outline of the urban renewal activities proposed for the area <br />involved, as a framework for the preparation of urban renewal plans, and as an <br />indication generally, to the extent feasible in preliminary planning, of land <br />uses, population density, building coverage, prospective requirements for the <br />conservation and rehabilitation "of -•plroperty-,-and any portions of the area <br />contemplated for clearance and redevelopment, and that the Executive Director <br />of the Department of Redevelopment be and is hereby directed to file said copy <br />of the General Neighborhood Renewal Plan with the minutes of this meeting. it <br />2. That it is hereby found and determined that said General Neighborhood Renewal !� <br />Plan for the urban renewal area conforms to the general plan of the Locality II <br />and to the Program for Community Improvement. <br />3. That it is the intention of this.Body that tkak the General Neighborhood Renewal <br />Plan be used to the fullest extent feasible as a guide for the provision of public <br />improvements in such area, and that said Plan will be considered in formulating <br />codes and other regulatory measures affecting property in the area and in under- <br />taking other local governmental activities pertaining to the development, <br />redevelopment, conservation, and rehabilitation of the area. <br />4. That in order to implement and facilitate the effectuation of the Plan hereby <br />approved, this Body hereby (a) pledges its cooperation in helping to carry out I <br />the Plan; (b) requests the various officials, departments, boards, and agencies <br />of the Locality having administrative responsibilities in the premises likewise !! <br />to cooperate to such end and to exercise their respective functions and powers <br />in a manner consistent with the Plan; and (c) stands ready to consider and take <br />appropriate action upon proposals and measures designed to effectuate the Plan. !� <br />/s/ Janet S. Allen <br />Member of the Common Council j <br />i <br />Councilman Geib made a motion for defeat of the Resolution. Councilman Smith seconded the motion. After some . <br />discussion, Councilman Geib withdrew his motion and Councilman Smith withdrew his second to the motion. <br />Councilman Smith made a motion for a ten minute recess. Councilman Geib seconded the motion. Motion carried. i <br />10 MINUTE RECESS - 10:25 P.M. <br />RECONVENEUNEETING - 10:35 P.M. <br />Councilman Palmer made a motion to change his vote from nay to "aye ". Then Councilman Allen made a motion to <br />change her vote from nay to "aye ". Upon roll call, the Resolution was adopted by a roll call vote of 5 ayes <br />(Councilmen Allen, Palmer, Wise, Szymkowiak and Glass), 3 nays (Councilmen Hunter, Geib and Smith), 1 absent <br />(Councilman Muszynski). I <br />RESOLUTION NO. 90 - -64 <br />WHEREAS: God in His infinite wisdom has called from this life, Mr. George 0. Frepan, the husband of Mrs. Esther <br />Frepan, and <br />WHEREAS: His death has brought grief and sorrow to his wife, Mrs. Esther Frepan, and their family, <br />NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED <br />That we, the Common Council of the City of South Bend, do extend to Mrs. Esther Frepan and her family <br />our sincere sympathy in this, their deepest hour of sorrow and that a copy of this Resolution duly I(I! <br />certified by the Clerk be sent to the bereaved. �! <br />Walter M. Szymkowiak John L. Hunter Jr. <br />Richard G. Geib Walter G. Glass <br />John Wise Albert E. Palmer <br />Janet S. Allen Chester Muszynski <br />Edwin Thomas Smith <br />Adopted by the Common Councilof the City of South Bend, Indiana, this 14th day of December, 1964. <br />Kathryn L. Blough <br />City Clerk <br />APPROVED: <br />JOHN L. HUNTER, JR. <br />John L. Hunter, Jr., President of the Common Council <br />