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6 <br />REGULAR MEETING OCTOBER 28, 1969 <br />RESOLUTIONS <br />RESOLUTION NO. 228 -69 <br />A RESOLUTION FOR AN ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATION IN <br />ACCOUNT G -262, "LAW BOOKS" OF THE DEPARTMENT OF <br />LAW, IN THE AMOUNT OF $270.00 AND THE TRANSFER <br />OF SAME FROM ACCOUNT G -261, "TITLE INSURANCE <br />AND ABSTRACTING ", ALL IN THE SAME CATEGORY AND <br />WITHIN THE GENERAL FUND. <br />WHEREAS, certain extraordinary conditions have developed since the adoption of the <br />existing annual budget, so that it is now necessary to appropriate more money than was appropriat- <br />ed in the annual budget for the various functions of City Government to meet such extraordinary <br />contingencies, and <br />WHEREAS, additional funds are needed to pay for current and up to date law books, <br />replacement volumes and pocket parts, and <br />WHEREAS, a surplus exists in another account where it is not presently needed; and <br />more specifically as follows, to wit: <br />$270.00 in Account G -261, "Title Insurance and Abstracting <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA <br />that the sum of $270.00 be transferred from Account G -261 designated as "Title Insurance and, <br />Abstracting" to Account G -262 designated as "Law Books" both of said accounts being in the same <br />category "Services Contractual ", and being within the General Fund. <br />/sf Walter M. Szymkowiak <br />Member of the Common Council <br />A public hearing was held at this time on the above Resolution. City attorney Sheperd Crumpacker <br />stated that this appropriation was for the bulletin subscription needed by the Legal Department. <br />He stated that the subscription has expired and the Legal Department must be kept up -to -date on <br />the Municipal code decisions. Councilman Szymkowiak made a motion that the resolution be <br />adopted. Councilman Craven seconded the motion. Motion carried. 9 ayes.(Councilmen Laven, Allen, <br />Craven, Reinke, Wise, Palmer, Zielinski, Grounds and Szymkowiak.) 0 nays. <br />RESOLUTION NO. 229 -69 <br />A RESOLUTION FOR AN ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATION IN <br />ACCOUNT P -12, "SPECIAL COMPENSATION" OF THE <br />SOUTH BEND POLICE DEPARTMENT, IN THE AMOUNT OF <br />$7,500.00 AND THE TRANSFER OF SAME FROM ACCOUNT <br />P -11, "SALARIES AND WAGES ", ALL IN THE 'SAME <br />CATEGORY AND WITHIN THE GENERAL FUND. <br />WHEREAS, certain extraordinary conditions have developed since the adoption of the <br />existing annual budget, so that it is now necessary to appropriate more money than was appropri <br />in the annual budget for the various functions of City Government to meet such extraordinary <br />contingencies, and <br />WHEREAS, additional funds are needed to pay for additional time spent due to the <br />increased demands on the Police Department in emergency areas, and <br />WHEREAS, a surplus exists in another account where it is not presently needed; and more <br />specifically as follows, to -wit: <br />$7,500.00 in Account P -11, "Salaries and Wages" <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA, <br />that the sum of $7,500.00 be transferred from Account P -11 designated as "Salaries and Wages" <br />to Account P -12 designated as "Special Compensation ", both of'said accounts being in the same <br />category "Services Personal; and being within the General fund. <br />/s/ William W. Grounds <br />Member of the Common Council <br />A public hearing was held at this time on the above Resolution. City Engineer Taylor explained <br />the need for the Resolution. He stated it sometimes becomes necessary to hold over an extra <br />shift for extra duty. Also, if an officer should retire, it will take two or three recruits <br />to fill the position. He said the surplus of money is available in Acct. P -11. Councilman <br />Grounds commented that some police officers have had to work 16 hours straight. Mr. R.J.Chwalek, <br />205 Woodhill Lane, South Bend, spoke in favor of the adoption of the resolution. Councilman <br />Wise made a motion that the resolution be adopted. Councilman Palmer seconded the motion. M0tiO3 <br />carried. 9 ayes (Councilmen Laven, Craven, Reinke, Allen, Grounds, Wise, Palmer, Zielinski and <br />Szymkowiak.) 0 nays. <br />UNFINISHED BUSINESS <br />Councilman Allen asked that the department heads,who submit ordinances and other material to <br />the council, please mark at the top of the page the identifying subject of the material. She <br />explained this would make it much more helpful to the City Clerk's office and also for the <br />Councilmen. <br />