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REGULAR MEETING JANUARY 28 1974 <br />1IREGULAR MEETING - RECONVENED (CONTINUED) <br />recipients who are eligible for the experiment and providing equivalent rental assistance <br />for an additional five -year period after completion of the experimental period, and will <br />enter into an agreement with the Housing Allowance Office including such terms and <br />financing arrangements as may be required by HUD to authorize the Housing Allowance Office <br />to carry out its functions as described in Part 2 -A of Article I above. <br />7. As required by Section 23 of the United States Housing Act of 1937, as amended, the <br />City hereby grants its approval of the use of Section 23 funds within its jurisdiction and <br />further authorizes the Authority or some other body established in accordance with Part 6 <br />above, to enter into an Annual Contributions Contract to receive such funds for purposes <br />of conducting the Experiment. <br />8. The City shall designate at least one of its officials to act as its representative <br />for purposes,of coordinating the establishment and operation of the Experiment with repre- <br />sentatives from HUD, Rand, its subcontractors and other participating organizations. <br />9. The City and the Authority will cooperate with HUD and Rand, its subcontractors, the <br />Housing Allowance Office, and such other organizations as HUD may designate, in maintaining <br />the confidentiality of the information obtained in the Experiment with regard to the <br />tenants, landlords, and other persons interviewed and households interviewed or enrolled. <br />10. The City will cooperate with HUD in obtaining the approval and cooperation of the <br />state government and any other regional or local government authorities or agencies in the <br />metropolitan.area to the extent required for, or appropriate in the conduct of the <br />Experiment and will join in the formation of a single housing assistance entity as <br />described in Paragraph 6 above. <br />11. The City has made a thorough investigation of State and local requirements for its <br />execution of this memorandum and declares that it has complied with those requirements. <br />To evidence their agreement with the items set forth above, the City and HUD have caused <br />to be executed this Memorandum of Understanding by the duly authorized representatives to <br />be effective as of the last date indicated herein. <br />U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND <br />URBAN DEVELOPMENT <br />Dated <br />By <br />Dated January 28, 1974 <br />By <br />CONCURRENCE: <br />The Housing Authority, in the interest of facilitating <br />participation in the Experiment, fully supports the roles of HUD and the City in that <br />regard and wishes to cooperate in the conduct, monitoring and analysis of the Experiment, <br />and hereby agrees to undertake those duties and obligations ascribed to it in this <br />Memorandum of Understanding. <br />Housing Authority <br />Dated <br />By <br />A public hearing was held on the resolution at this time. Mr. Charles Lennon, Director of the <br />Department of Redevelopment, briefly explained the purpose of the resolution. He indicated that <br />South Bend, Mishawaka and St. Joseph County had been requested to enter into the experimental <br />housing allowance program by HUD. He introduced Mr. Ken Alles from the Department of Housing and <br />Urban Development. Council President Nemeth indicated that there have been several public hearing= <br />held on the matter. He asked if there were any questions from the audience. Mrs. Lee Swan, <br />2022 Swygart, felt there was a fault with the program. She quoted from the January 17th issue of <br />the South Bend Tribune regarding the housing allowance program. Mr. Lester Fox, 443 South Illinois <br />Executive Director of REAL Services,. felt that the program would be of great help to the elderly <br />citizens. He hoped the Council would act favorably on the resolution. Mrs. Glenda Hernandez, <br />702 East South, also expressed support of the housing allowance program. Mr. Gerald Hammes, <br />President of the South Bend - Mishawaka Chamber of Commerce, indicated that the Board of Directors <br />had voted to endorse the concept of the program. Mr. Manuel Garcia, representing the Mid -West <br />Council Project, indicated that, if the program came to South Bend, the Spanish people would also <br />benefit from it. Council President Nemeth referred to page 3, paragraph numbered 1. He wondered <br />about this section. Mr. Lennon indicated that the composition of the policy- making body would be <br />left up to the organizational body. He stated that the types of advisory committees would also be <br />left up to this group. Council P- resident Nemeth wondered what group Mr. Lennon was referring to, <br />Mr. Lennon indicated that he was talking about the .advisory membership which was outlined on page E <br />Mr. Alles explained that the group was to constitute key local officials from South Bend, Mishawakz <br />and St. Joseph County who would be kept apprised of the program on a monthly basis and perhaps <br />meet quarterly for a more direct kind of input. Council President Nemeth asked if there was a set <br />method by which local members would be chosen and work on the committee, and Mr. Alles answered <br />that the basic criteria would be the local key officials, more specifically, the mayors, councils <br />and commissioners. He stated that there would be a year of planning and design. A steering <br />committee would be set up. Elected officials would make up the majority of the board and the Rand <br />Corporation would control the board and run the program. Council President Nemeth wondered about <br />the extent of assistance on the part of the city as indicated on page 5. Mr. Alles stated that <br />there was no monetary assistance involved, and Council President Nemeth asked about the costs of <br />