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MEETING - RECONVENED (CONTINUED) <br />B. Housing Information: Recipients will be given information about the <br />Experiment and related housing matters. <br />C. Tenure: An eligible household may use its allowance for rental or homeownership <br />payments. Assistance to recipients in rental units and recipients already <br />residing in units which they already own (hereinafter called "homeownership <br />assistance ") is expected to be furnished pursuant to Section 23 of the United <br />States Housing Act of 1937, as amended. Assistance to recipients in acquiring <br />homeownership is expected to be furnished pursuant to some combination of <br />existing HUD assistance programs. <br />D. Standard Housing: To receive housing allowance payments a household must <br />reside in a standard house, apartment, or mobile home defined by HUD for <br />purposes of the Experiment. <br />E. Payments: Monthly allowance payments for rents and continuing homeownership <br />will be made directly to eligible recipients. Allowance payments for home <br />purchase will be made as required by the HUD program employed. <br />F. Experimental Period: HUD expects to collect data from the Experiment for a <br />period of at least five years (hereinafter called the "experimental period "). <br />G. Period of Assistance: HUD will furnish assistance to eligible recipients <br />for the following periods of time: <br />1. Rental and Homeownership Assistance: For a period of ten (10) years <br />years from the opening of enrollment. <br />2. Home Purchase Assistance: For at least ten (10) years from the <br />opening of enrollment. <br />H. Change of Residence or Type of Tenure: During the experimental period <br />recipients generally will be able to move within the St. Joseph County <br />metropolitan area and to change their type of tenure among the rental, <br />homeownership, and home purchase options any time during the first five <br />years following the beginning of enrollment in the Experiment Program, <br />provided such recipients remain eligible and satisfy program procedures. <br />After the experimental period, HUD will continue to make available Section <br />23 funding in order to continue rental and homeownership assistance. <br />Families then eligible under that program shall be.governed by the terms <br />and conditions of Section 23 subject to such procedures as may be agreed <br />to by HUD. <br />ARTICLE II -- THE CITY <br />In consideration of the foregoing, the City agrees to assist and cooperate with HUD, <br />Rand, and other contractors in carrying the Experiment to a successful conclusion, to <br />the extent that the expense to the City of such assistance is reimbursed by HUD, as <br />follows: <br />1. Because the St. Joseph County metropolitan area will be one experimental site in a <br />multiple site experiment, and because it is necessary in order to obtain statistically <br />valid comparisons of results among sites that the methods and procedures be uniform from <br />site to site, and in recognition of the need to establish, maintain and preserve the <br />validity of the Experiment, the City agrees to assist HUD, Rand, and other organizations <br />designated by HUD in establishing, maintaining and preserving the integrity of the <br />Experiment; accordingly, the City further agrees that HUD, either directly or indirectly <br />through Rand, its subcontractors, or the Housing Allowance Office shall have the right, <br />after consultation with the City, to make final decisions with regard to the establishment, <br />conduct and termination of the Experiment. <br />2. The City and the local Housing Authority, or other comparable agency, if any <br />(hereinafter called "Authority "), will make available to HUD, Rand, and its subcontractors <br />demographis, housing stock and other data pertinent to the Experiment and will cooperate <br />with them in collecting data. <br />3. The City and the Authority will permit or assist in obtaining the issuance of <br />appropriate licenses, permits, waivers, opinions, or other authority required or <br />appropriate for the conduct of the Experiment at local, state and federal levels. <br />4. The City will, to the extent that it is within its authority, determine that the <br />housing assistance payments to households are not considered income under any present or <br />future City income tax, and the City will exclude these payments from calculations of <br />income in determining payments to recipients under welfare and other social programs which <br />employ an income test as a determinant of eligibility and /or amount of program assistance. <br />5. The City and the Authority will cooperate with and coordinate their affirmative action <br />program and enforcement of fair housing laws with HUD and other jurisdictions involved so <br />that households receiving allowance will have the full opportunities and protections of <br />such laws. <br />6. The City and the Authority agree to join with other jurisdictions and authorities in <br />designating or organizing a single entity (if no such entity presently exists) with the <br />authority to receive and administer Section 23 funds and to participate as required in <br />carrying out a program of experimental housing assistance for a period of ten years. If <br />appropriate, in order to carry out this Experiment, the Authority will apply for, enter <br />into, and carry out an Annual Contributions Contract with HUD for the purpose of providing <br />federal funding for rental allowance payments for a period of at least five years to <br />