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REGULAR MEETING NOVEMBER 13, 1973 <br />IICOMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING (CONTINUED) <br />Miss Guthrie asked about the validation machines, and Mr. Lantz indicated that the amount for that <br />item was included in the "Other Contractual Services" category. Miss Guthrie stated that Accounts <br />620, 630 and 640 were new, and Mr. Lantz indicated that the garage had been short on the necessary <br />funds to meet the bond requirements. He indicated that the city had been unable to pay the fringe <br />benefits out of the Parking Garage Fund. Miss Guthrie felt that transferring the money from the <br />parking meter fines again hits the property owner. She wondered how close the city was to meeting <br />the payment on the bonds. Mr. Lantz indicated that the revenues have increased but they have not <br />solved the problem. Miss Guthrie asked if any consideration had been given to an increase in the <br />tax rate itself; and Mr. Lantz indicated that some consideration had been given to that possibilit <br />Miss Guthrie asked how soon the increase might take effect, and Mr. Lantz answered that the decisi <br />had not yet been made. Miss Guthrie concluded by stating that the parking garages were not suppos <br />to cost the taxpayer anything and the taxpayers were paying for it. Mr. Evans of the Civic <br />Planning Association asked about the bond issue. Mr. Lantz indicated that $275,000 was the total <br />bond payment. He stated that interest and principal this year would be about $293,000. Mr. Evans <br />asked if any of the funds would be needed from the money received from the fines to meet the bond <br />payment, and Mr. Lantz indicated that additional funds would be needed from the fines., <br />Councilman Serge asked if the decline in the usage of the garages was due to the construction of <br />the downtown mall. Mr. Lantz indicated that there had not been a decrease. Councilman Serge asked <br />if the fines received had been what the city expected, and Mr. Lantz answered that $6,000 a month <br />had been anticipated and was being received. Council President Nemeth asked about the income <br />received from the garages last year. Mr. Stanley Hull, Manager of the Parking Garages, stated <br />that the figure was $263,000. Council President Nemeth asked if this was in addition to the fines. <br />He asked about the total revenue. Mr. Hull indicated that he furnishes the councilmen with monthly <br />reports setting forth these figures. Miss Guthrie referred to one of the reports, indicating that, <br />last year, receipts from the. garages were $262,600 plus and receipts from the flat lots were <br />$14,000. <br />I lCouncilman Parent made a motion that the ordinance go to the Council as favorable, seconded by <br />Councilman Szymkowiak. The motion carried. <br />11ORDINANCE <br />AN ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING ALL PARKING <br />METER FEES AND FUNDS FOR THE YEAR 1974 <br />TO THE BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE <br />CIVIL CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA, FOR <br />THE USES AND PURPOSES SET FORTH THEREIN, <br />IN ACCORDANCE WITH CHAPTER 208 OF THE <br />ACTS OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE <br />STATE OF INDIANA OF 1965. <br />This being the time heretofore set for <br />opponents were given an opportunity to <br />the presentation for the ordinance. He <br />He indicated that there was an increase <br />Personal" category to cover the $200 pa <br />in PERF and a slight increase in FICA. <br />public hearing on the above ordinance, proponents and <br />be heard. Mr. Walter Lantz, Deputy City Controller, made <br />stated that the budget was practically the same as 1973. <br />which was necessary of approximately $1,000 in the "Service <br />y increases. He further indicated that there was a decrease <br />The overall increase amounted to about $700. <br />Councilman Szymkowiak made a motion that the ordinance go to the Council as favorable, seconded by <br />Councilman Miller. The motion carried. <br />ILORDINANCE <br />AN ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING $30,000.00 <br />FROM THE'FEDERAL ASSISTANCE GRANT FUND, <br />COMMONLY REFERRED TO AS GENERAL REVENUE <br />SHARING, FOR VARIOUS ADMINISTRATIVE PRO- <br />GRAMS, TO BE ADMINISTERED BY THE CITY OF <br />SOUTH BEND THROUGH ITS DEPARTMENT OF <br />REDEVELOPMENT. <br />This being the time heretofore set for public hearing on the above ordinance, proponents and <br />opponents were given an opportunity to be heard., Mr. Larry Wartha, of the Redevelopment Department <br />made the presentation for the ordinance. He explained that, in the past few years, the budget for <br />relocation had been about $80,000 and it had never been completely used. This year, the money was <br />needed and the budget had been expended. He stated that the request was for $30,000 from revenue <br />sharing funds and would carry the program through the remainder of the year. Miss Virginia Guthrie <br />Executive Secretary of the Civic Planning Association, asked what amount would be spent this year, <br />and Mr. Wartha indicated the department must take the cases as they are referred to it. He stated <br />that $60,000 has already been spent and the account was somewhat overrun because of the claims that <br />came in. Miss Guthrie asked if money had been expended that had not been appropriated, and Mr. <br />Wartha stated that the total budget had not been exceeded. Miss Guthrie expressed concern about <br />spending $30,000 in a few months' time. Mr. Wartha again stated that the amount of funds depended <br />on the referrals from the Department of Substandard. <br />Councilman Miller stated that, in the purpose and intent of the revenue sharing fund ordinance, he <br />did not recall that this particular item was a priority at the town forum meetings. He wanted an <br />explanation of the itemized moving expense of $300 as set forth in the information provided to the <br />Council regarding the ordinance. Mr. Wartha indicated that this was the cost of moving the person' <br />belongings from one location to another. Councilman Miller asked if moving companies were contacte <br />to do the work, and Mr. Wartha indicated that they were. Councilman Miller stated that, when a <br />person is relocated, the city pays the first month's rent, all deposits and truck rental. He <br />wondered about the truck rental, and Mr. Wartha explained that the truck rental amount was used in <br />the case when a person moves himself. Councilman Miller asked about the replacement housing pay- <br />ment. Mr. Wartha indicated that this was mandated to be down payment on another house. Councilman <br />Miller stated that the city had moved 43 families with a case load remaining of 33 families. He <br />stated that he had followed one of these cases through and he explained the situation and indicated <br />that there was involved a subsidy payment per month. He stated that the woman had been in arrears <br />in the payments. At sometime, the Substandard Department determined that the home was substandard <br />The woman again was moved with relocation allowances. He wondered if he had not made his payments, <br />if he would be eligible for relocation. Mr. Wartha stated that, if the building was deemed to be <br />substandard, the Redevelopment Department would have to take care of the matter and relocate the <br />residents. Councilman Miller asked if there was an income standard involved, and Mr. Wartha <br />