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REGULAR MEETING NOVEMBER 13, 1973 <br />COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING (CONTINUED) <br />Fund. He wondered why Mr. Krueper was not rebated by Redevelopment for this. Mr. Krueper indicate <br />that the accountants stated that the procedure must be done in this manner. He stated that he pair <br />out of the General Fund and the money was paid back by the Redevelopment Department. He stated <br />that the credit becomes a contribution.. He mentioned that he was trying to clarify that particu- <br />lar item at the present time. Councilman Kopczynski felt this was an important matter. Mr. <br />Krueper agreed and indicated that he had no objection to change if it worked. Council President <br />Nemeth stated that, under Operators Pumping, the Council suggested eight Operator II positions and <br />ten Operator III positions. Mr. Krueper indicated that that was not a large enough number of men <br />for the city. He stated that this was not just an eight -hour a day job. He indicated that there <br />were three shifts and it included 30 men. Councilman Miller again referred to the organizational <br />chart, stating that he only could find 28 salary slots and there were 30 listed on the payroll <br />sheet. An employee of the Water Works indicated that the men work a certain schedule and are then <br />relieved by other men. Councilman Miller stated that, if that was the case, there were 31 men wits <br />30 positions on the list. There was confusion on the exact number of employees listed on the <br />organizational chart and the employee list. Mr. Krueper indicated that he hoped the Council would <br />remember that there were many employees that were eligible for two -week vacations and there must bE <br />enough people to fill the slots during the vacation period. He indicated that the same thing hold: <br />true when a person is sick. Councilman Miller questioned the Station Maintenance and Extra Board. <br />An employee of the Water Works indicated that this was for the purpose of emergencies. He stated <br />that, at other times, the particular employee does various other work such as painting, cleaning, <br />etc. Councilman Miller felt there might be some savings on that position. <br />Council President Nemeth made a motion to recess, seconded by Councilman Taylor. The motion carri( <br />and the Committee of the Whole recessed at 9:13 p.m. Reconvened at 10:03 p.m. Council President <br />Nemeth made a motion to amend the ordinance as follows: <br />On page 2 - Delete Auditor I (Trash Program) and insert two positions of Accounting <br />Clerk IV at $7,130. <br />Delete the position of Draftsman at $7,261. <br />Delete the position of Auditor III at $9,950. <br />Delete one position of Meter Reader for a total of 10 such positions <br />at $60,210. <br />On page 3 - Reduce Overtime to $30,000. <br />Reduce Summer Help to $20,000. <br />Reduce Education, Promotion and Travel to $5,000. <br />Reduce Dues and Subscriptions to $5,000. <br />Reduce Printing and Office Expense to $28,000. <br />Reduce Meter Repair Parts to $30,000. <br />On page 5 - Delete the 1/2 Ton Pickup to replace 1970 Chevy at $3,000, the passenger <br />car at $3,100 and the van at $2,700. <br />Reduce meters to $50,000 and add radio equipment at $20,000, main extension <br />at $40,000 and refunds at $40,000. <br />On page 6 - Reduce Refunds of Meter Deposits to $25,000. <br />On page 9 - Add, under Anticipated Income, the Redevelopment contribution of $40,000. <br />Councilman Parent seconded the motion to amend. Councilman Miller stated that the total cuts leav( <br />$58,000 in the General Fund of the Water Works. He indicated that this would change the deficit of <br />about $200,000 to $630,000. He stated that the total deficit; however, does not include the amouni <br />that the general operating fund is already in deficit to the Depreciation Fund. He indicated that <br />this means that the Council has cut $200,000 or one - fifth. Depending on the length of time this <br />would be spread out, he indicated that the Council was saying that there would have to be a 40% <br />increase in the water rate to offset the reductions. He stated that this was as close as he could <br />come to the actual computations. He stated that the cuts meant that, those councilmen in favor of <br />the reductions, should also vote in favor of the 40o increase in the water rate. The motion to <br />amend carried. Councilman Parent then made a motion that the ordinance, as amended, go to the <br />Council as favorable, seconded by Councilman Horvath. The motion carried. <br />ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING ALL PARKING <br />GARAGE FEES AND FUNDS FOR THE YEAR 1974 <br />TO THE BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CIVIL <br />CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA, FOR THE USES <br />AND PURPOSES SET FORTH THEREIN, IN <br />ACCORDANCE WITH CHAPTER 190 OF THE ACTS <br />OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF <br />INDIANA OF 1955. <br />This being the time heretofore set for public hearing on the above ordinance, proponents and <br />opponents were given an opportunity to be heard. Mr. Walter Lantz, Deputy City Controller, made <br />the presentation for the ordinance. He stated that the budget was basically the same as in 1973 <br />with the exception of certain inflationary cost increases and the $200 increase in salaries. He <br />indicated that the money required for rental of the validating machines and stamps had also been <br />added because, this year, a transfer had to be made. Miss Virginia Guthrie, Executive Secretary <br />of the Civic Planning Association, asked if the,car allowance was a new item, and Mr. Lantz <br />answered that it was. He further stated that the manager travels to all the merchants who use <br />the garages, the banks and County -City Building. Miss Guthrie asked how the figure was arrived at, <br />and Mr. James Barcome, City Controller, indicated that it was based on how much the manager had <br />spent out -of- his - pocket the last two years. He indicated that the amount would be 10� a mile. <br />