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' • 1 � L§Tr <br />REGULAR MEETING - RECONVENED (CONTINUED) <br />RESOLUTION NO. 396 -73 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION <br />AND DESIGNATING THE SIGNATORY BY NAME <br />AND TITLE OF A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE <br />DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT <br />AND THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA, FOR <br />THE PURPOSE OF OBTAINING PARTIAL FUNDING <br />FOR THE MODEL CITIES SEWER SEPARATION <br />PROJECT, CS -2 -1972. <br />WHEREAS, the City of South Bend, Indiana (hereinafter "Recipient "), has submitted <br />an application to the United States of America acting through the Secretary of the U. S. <br />Department of Housing and Urban Development (hereinafter "Government ") for a grant under <br />Section 702 of the 1965 Housing and Urban Development Act; and <br />WHEREAS, the Government has approved such application subject to certain conditions <br />and has sent the Recipient a proposed Contract, identified Contract H(502) -7009 (hereinafter <br />"Contract ") for approval and execution by the Recipient; and <br />WHEREAS, the Recipient has fully considered the proposed Contract; <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Common Council of the City of South Bend, <br />Indiana: <br />1. <br />That the proposed Contract, <br />A COPY <br />OF WHICH IS ATTACHED HERETO, is <br />approved, <br />2. <br />That Jerry J. Miller, Mayor <br />of the <br />City of South Bend is hereby <br />authorized and directed to <br />execute <br />such proposed Contract in the name <br />and on behalf of the Recipient <br />and <br />in as many counterparts as necessary, <br />3. <br />That Jerry J. Miller, Mayor <br />of the <br />City of South Bend is hereby <br />authorized and directed to <br />impress <br />and attest the Recipient's official <br />seal on all counterparts of <br />such Contract, and, <br />4. <br />That the proper officer is <br />directed to send the counterparts of such <br />Contract and related papers <br />to the <br />Government. <br />s/ Peter J. Nemeth <br />Member of the Common Council <br />A public hearing was held on the resolution at this time. Mr. Rollin Farrand, Director of the <br />Department of Public Works, explained that the contract was still in the offices of HUD; however, <br />he had furnished Councilman Horvath a copy of a similar contract for the Council to examine. He <br />stated that he had received a telegram from HUD regarding the delay and there has been an exten- <br />sion of another week for completion of the contract on the part of the city. He stated that the <br />resolution authorizes the Mayor to enter into a contract for storm sewer separation in the Model <br />Cities area, which is bounded on the south by the Penn Central Railroad, on the east by William <br />Street, on the north by Lincolnway West and on the west by Bendix Drive Park. He stated that the <br />project cost was 2.1 million dollars with the federal government contributing $570,000. He <br />indicated that the area was not one of the original high priority areas. He briefly talked about <br />the retention basin in the Randolph Street area and other construction in the city. He stated <br />that, with planning and construction underway, it was recommended that preparation of the program <br />be started. He mentioned there were problems which dealt with basement flooding in the Model <br />Cities area with ground elevations approximately 10 feet less than the rest of the area. He <br />indicated that the city as mandated must provide for this program by 1977. He stated that there <br />were some street improvements in the area, and the storm sewer improvements were a pre- condition <br />of the project. The program is one that was outlined in the Model Cities report which was dis- <br />cussed by the Council and department heads involved. <br />Mr. Walter Light, from the Bendix Corporation, Brake and Steering Division, indicated that Bendix <br />had been mentioned as a boundary. Mr. Farrand stated that the western boundary would be bounded <br />by Bendix Drive and park. Mr. Farrand briefly talked about the Orange Street - Colfax Avenue <br />connector in relation to the sewer separation project. Council President Nemeth asked where the <br />city's share of the project cost would come from, and Mr. Farrand indicated that $200,000 would <br />come from the Local Road and Street Fund with the remaining amount coming from the Cumulative <br />Sewer Fund. Council President Nemeth asked about the amount in the Cumulative Sewer Fund, and Mr. <br />Farrand indicated that there was 2 million dollars in the fund at the present time. Council <br />President Nemeth asked about other priorities. Mr. Farrand cited other projects that would also <br />be funded out of Cumulative Sewer funds, with $750,000 coming into the fund next year. He assured <br />the Council that the total funding was available for the projects. Councilman Taylor asked if <br />money had been requested from HUD for projects in other parts of the city, and Mr. Farrand indicatE <br />that the request had been made, and he had been told that the city was fortunate to be receiving <br />the funds for the storm sewer separation project. Councilman Taylor indicated that next year was <br />to be an election for congressmen, and he suggested that perhaps Indiana's congressmen should be <br />contacted regarding the federal funding received from HUD for various projects. He felt it was <br />unfair that HUD was "calling the shots ". He stated that he felt the matter should be tabled and <br />further study made, and the city should take advantage of the people serving it in Congress. <br />Councilman Kopczynski was concerned about the effect the project would have on the adjacent parts <br />of the city. Mr. Farrand answered that the project included a retention basin to take alot of <br />storm water out of the system. He stated that the capacity of the system would be increased. He <br />also mentioned that the project would not solve the entire problem because additional work would <br />be necessary in order to separate sewers within the city. Councilman Kopczynski asked about the <br />percentage of area that would be helped by the project, and Mr. Farrand stated that it was hoped <br />the project would solve the basement flooding in that area. Councilman Kopczynski expressed con- <br />cern about the rest of the city, and Mr. Farrand indicated that storm water would be taken out of <br />the city's present system; however, the west side of town would probably benefit more from the <br />project. Councilman Kopczynski stated that the southwest and north quarters of the city would not <br />benefit greatly. Mr. Farrand stated that there were sewers coming in from the west and south and <br />both those areas were included. He quoted from a report made on the project regarding the trunk <br />sewers and water handled. Councilman Miller asked if the project was being approved at this time. <br />