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COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING (CONTINUED) <br />increase in the telephone and telegraph account. Mr. Lantz indicated that the city was anticipatij <br />a telephone rate increase which, he felt, would probably be granted by the Public Service <br />Commission. Miss Fanny Grunwald, 227 South Frances Street, indicated that she was of the opinion <br />that the telephone rate increase had not gone through, and Mr. Lantz indicated that the city had <br />not received word on the proposed increase. Mr. Maurice Cohen stated that he wondered why the cit, <br />had not been represented at the public hearing on the increase. Council President Nemeth stated <br />that he was not aware of the decision regarding the proposed increase. Mr. BonDurant suggested <br />that the matter be checked into. <br />SAFETY DEPARTMENT - ADMINISTRATION <br />Council President Nemeth indicated that the Council proposed that certain accounts be cut as <br />follows: <br />Account 110 ................. $7,000 <br />Account <br />213 ................. <br />200 <br />Account <br />230.1 ............... <br />75 <br />Account <br />370.1 ............... <br />120 <br />Account <br />530 ................. <br />200 <br />Account <br />725 ................. <br />250 <br />Mr. Patrick Gallagher, Safety Director, spoke in defense of the budget. He stated that the <br />Department of Safety has the lowest travel budget and the Council had proposed a reduction in that <br />account. He indicated that the money was requested for one trip to a conference, and the cost <br />would run approximately $400. He stated that the other $200 was requested for per diem and <br />expenses and accommodations on the use of the city car to visit other cities beyond a one day's <br />range from South Bend. He could not understand how that account could be cut any lower. Council <br />President Nemeth stated that the Council had felt that the conference should be attended by the <br />Police Chief, and Mr. Gallagher indicated that there are a number of conferences held each year <br />and he was directly involved with one of the conferences dealing with personnel. He indicated tha- <br />Chief Urban would attend all other conferences which dealt directly with police work. He stated <br />that, under office supplies, he thought he had provided justification to the Council on what was <br />needed. He stated that his department had spent all of the money this year and 100% of the extra <br />$600 in the supplies because of the fact that the department had to help out in other areas. He <br />stated that the department had printed tickets for environmental control. In regard to the elimi- <br />nation of the dog catcher by the Council, he stated that his department would be presenting a pro- <br />posed ordinance to the Council for stricter dog enforcement as far as dog controls. He indicated <br />that the proposed ordinance would permit dogs to be picked up. He briefly explained the proposed <br />ordinance and its provisions. He stated that the money under the Emergency Employment Act might <br />possibly not be available much longer, and he felt there was no sense in proposing a stricter <br />ordinance if the personnel was not available. He indicated that, as of January 1 or June 30, <br />depending on EEA funds, the department would have to eliminate its efforts in this area. Council <br />President Nemeth indicated that the Council was in favor of a better ordinance, and he indicated <br />that those positions were salaried until June 30. He stated that, in the event the positions are <br />not refunded through EEA, perhaps other arrangements could be made at that time to keep the posi- <br />tions. Mr. Gallagher indicated that he wanted some type of assurance regarding that program, and <br />he stated that he would continue his work on the proposed dog ordinance with the hopes that the <br />positions could be maintained. Councilman Miller indicated that, last year, there had been an <br />attempt to consolidate office supplies in the Controller's budget. He stated that there was a <br />large increase in office supplies overall and also increases throughout other budgets. Mr. Lantz <br />indicated that office supplies were budgeted in two other areas where federal grants are involved, <br />they being safety and human resources. He indicated that these grants are obtained along the way <br />and it is impossible to determine how much will be received for a particular program. Councilman <br />Miller indicated that, if Mr. Gallagher would need something, he would be able to get it through <br />the Controller's Office, and Mr. Lantz indicated that that was correct. Chairman Newburn asked <br />about the staff of the Humane Society. Mr. Gallagher indicated that he did not know how many <br />persons were employed but he thought the society had three or four trucks used in picking up stray <br />animals. He indicated that the society has come in and taken care of many of the city's complaint! <br />He stated that the problem is that there are too many dogs roaming wild in the streets, and he <br />stated that the new dog ordinance would allow any dog running loose to be picked up. Miss Guthrie <br />indicated that, in view of the fact that 9 recruits were added to the force this year and 24 <br />policemen were added, consideration should be given to the addition of only 8 recruits next year <br />rather than 10. Mr. Gallagher indicated that all of that had been taken care of and the reason fol <br />the increase was because the City of South Bend was still below the national average for number of <br />policemen. He indicated that 288 men would bring South Bend up to the national average. Miss <br />Guthrie asked how many other cities meet the national average, and Mr. Gallagher answered that half <br />of the cities meet the average in their respective brackets. Miss Guthrie indicated that the city <br />had added a tremendous amount of men this past year, and she suggested that now the process be <br />slowed down. Mr. Gallagher indicated that he did not want to limit the number of men that could <br />be out on the streets. Miss Guthrie indicated that, in the past when there was a problem, every <br />man on the force went out and not just the patrolmen. Mr. Gallagher indicated that, if the probler <br />arose, every man would be out on the streets. Miss Guthrie again indicated that she felt only.8 <br />men should be added in 1974. Councilman Szymkowiak indicated that, if some of the work previously <br />done by the Humane Society would now be done by the city, perhaps the society's budget should be <br />decreased. Mrs. Martha Flannagan, President of the Humane Society, indicated that there had been <br />a misunderstanding that the society only picked up dogs that are confined. She indicated that thi: <br />was not true. She stated that the Council had been furnished copies of the financial report of the <br />society. She also indicated that, if the society would not have donations, if would not be able <br />to keep the program going. She stated that, in one year, 21,517 animals are handled and $120,684 <br />was needed to do that. She stressed the fact that the society was not making money and, for four <br />years, the society had not requested an increase. She stated that the society was understaffed anc <br />the 14 men employed only received $2.25 per hour as wages. She indicated that 8,119 animals were <br />picked up in South Bend and that the society had a very clean and sanitary shelter with veterinary <br />inspection made periodically. She indicated that the trucks are in operation all day, and other <br />cities have visited the shelter in South Bend with the hopes of following a similar program in <br />their own cities. Councilman Szymkowiak asked how many dogs,were returned to the owner, and Mrs. <br />Flannagan indicated that, last year, 3,374 dogs were adopted and 922 lost animals were returned to <br />their owners. Councilman Szymkowiak asked about the number of trucks the society owned, and Mrs. <br />Flannagan indicated that there were three trucks with one being exclusively used for South Bend. <br />Councilman Szymkowiak indicated that the City of South Bend was the largest contributor of the <br />