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REGULAR MEETING AUGUST 27 197 <br />1i 11 <br />COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING (CONTINUED) <br />Controller, indicated that the amount of $5,000 was for the purchase of the printing press only. <br />Miss Guthrie asked about the amount of printing the city does. Mr. Lantz indicated that the city <br />print shop prints 300 different types of forms for all departments and two and a half million sheet <br />were printed last year. He explained that the present press is much slower than the one the depart <br />ment was hoping to purchase. He also stated that the actual printing is much less costly when done <br />by the city rather than sending the material to an outside printer and that the cost was nearly <br />three times as great. Miss Guthrie asked if the number of employees in the print shop were include <br />in that. Mr. Lantz indicated that the same person would run both presses. Miss Guthrie asked for <br />an explanation on PERF. Mr. Lantz indicated that next year's rates have been lowered by the state <br />because of the city's experience rate. He indicated that the city's rate was very good and that <br />the city would be paying less than in the past. Miss Guthrie indicated that she felt the ControllE <br />needed a city- furnished car to do his job. Mr. BonDurant asked about the increase in Account 520. <br />Mr. Lantz indicated that this was the computer program the city had with the school corporation. <br />He stated that a presentation had been made to the Council regarding this. Mr. BonDurant asked if <br />the program was being expanded, and Mr. Lantz indicated that most of the city programs have been <br />put on the computer at this time. Mrs. Janet Allen, 125 West Marion Street, asked about the amount <br />of money in the printing budget, and Council President Nemeth indicated that $6,000 was budgeted <br />for printing and $12,000 was budgeted for printing and supplies. Mrs. Allen felt that budget <br />should be cut. She asked about the total for the Controller's Office, and stated that the newspapE <br />had indicated quite a large decrease. Council President Nemeth indicated that the budget for that <br />office had been $765,000 and the Council had proposed $738,024. Mr. Lantz explained to Mrs. Allen <br />that the current obligations are advertised as a separate line item in the newspaper. <br />OFFICE OF CITY CLERK <br />Council President Nemeth indicated that the Council proposed that certain accounts be cut as <br />follows: <br />Account 120 .................... $500 <br />Account 213 .................... 100 <br />Account 370 .................... 800 <br />Account 520 .................... 200 <br />Account 725 .................... 621 <br />BARRETT LAW DEPARTMENT <br />Council President Nemeth indicated that the Council proposed that Account 252 be cut $140. <br />COMMON COUNCIL <br />Council President Nemeth indicated that the Council proposed that certain accounts be cut as <br />follows: <br />Account 110 $17,700 <br />Account 215 ................. 450 <br />He indicated that the Council realized the budgets had to be cut, and they were agreeable to cuttir <br />the positions of Legislative Assistant and Secretary II. He stated that the county renews the <br />County -City Building every three to four years, and it was thought that the offices would be <br />repainted soon, after which time new furniture could be purchased for the councilmen. Miss GuthriE <br />felt travel should be reduced to the current amount. She wondered why the present furniture for <br />the councilmen could not be retained. Council President Nemeth indicated that the furniture was <br />quite old and had been purchased long before the move into the new building. Mrs. Allen indicated <br />that the previous Council had set the salaries for the councilmen at an increase of $200 each year, <br />She suggested that, in the interests of economy, the councilmen decline the raise for 1974. Counci <br />President Nemeth felt the increase of $200 was justifiable. He pointed out that other city employE <br />also received a $200 increase. Mr. Maurice Cohen stated that he disagreed with Mrs. Allen and <br />felt the Council should be entitled to more. He also felt they should be entitled to the furniturE <br />OFFICE OF CITY ATTORNEY <br />Council President Nemeth indicated that the Council proposed that certain accounts be cut as <br />follows: <br />Account 110 ................ $5,114 <br />Account 213 ................ 1,000 <br />Account 721 ................ 200 <br />Councilman Miller asked about the encumbered amount on the office equipment, and Mr. James Roemer, <br />City Attorney, indicated that he was not sure what was bought for the interns but he thought it <br />was approximately $200. Councilman Miller asked about the $200 for 1974, and Mr. Roemer indicated <br />that office furniture was needed. Miss Guthrie asked if money had been spent without an appropria- <br />tion, and Mr. Roemer indicated that that appeared to be the case. <br />BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS <br />Council President Nemeth indicated that the Council proposed that certain accounts be cut as <br />follows: <br />Account 214 ................ $5,000 <br />Account <br />363 ................ <br />100 <br />Account <br />520 ................ <br />8,163 <br />Account <br />720 ................ <br />1,000 <br />Account <br />725 ................ <br />1,200 <br />Miss Guthrie asked about the rent increase and the reason for it, and Mr. Lantz indicated that, <br />under the terms of the contract for the building, the city's obligation in lease was 26.515% <br />interest on the bond issue. He stated that this was not paid in the past because the city had not <br />been billed for it. He indicated that the city paid 26.515% on the bond issue and on the interest, <br />and he also stated that this was a State Tax Board ruling. Mr. BonDurant questioned the 25% <br />s <br />