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REGULAR MEETING <br />REGULAR MEETING - RECONVENED (CONTINUED) <br />Indiana (Chapter 40, Municipal Code) - 3027 McKinley Avenue, respectfully report that <br />they have examined the matter and.that in their opinion they recommend the Council act <br />unfavorably on the above ordinance. <br />s/ Peter J. Nemeth <br />Chairman <br />Council President Nemeth indicated that the Council would take action on the ordinance in the <br />second reading portion of the meeting. <br />REPORT FROM AREA PLAN COMMISSION (408 South 30th Street) <br />The Honorable Common Council <br />City of South Bend <br />County -City Building <br />South Bend, Indiana <br />July 18, 1973 <br />In Re: A proposed ordinance and site development plan of Walter W. Landis, D.O., <br />et al, to zone from "A" Residential to "B" Residential, property located <br />at 408 South 30th Street, City of South Bend. <br />Gentlemen: <br />The attached rezoning petition of Walter W. Landis, D.O., et al, was legally <br />advertised July 7, 1973, and July 14, 1973. The Area Plan Commission gave it a public <br />hearing July 17, 1973, at which time the following action was taken: <br />"Roger Parent moved the petition be unfavorably recommended to the <br />Common Council as he felt cities should carefully conserve the integrity <br />of residential neighborhood and use strong means to preserve and protect <br />them. His motion was seconded by Elmer Mitchell and carried. The petition <br />of Walter W. Landis to zone from "A" Residential to "B" Residential is <br />unfavorably recommended to the Common Council by the Area Plan Commission." <br />The deliberations of the Area Plan Commission and points considered in arriving <br />at the above decision are shown in excerpts of the minutes and will be forwarded to you <br />at a later date to be made a part of this report. <br />RSJ /ch <br />attach. <br />Very truly yours, <br />s/ Richard S. Johnson <br />Executive Director <br />Councilman Taylor made a motion that the ordinance be set for public hearing and second reading on <br />August 13, 1973, seconded by Councilman Miller. The motion carried. <br />RT FROM THE DIRECTOR OF THE DEPARTMENT OF LAW <br />Mr. Thomas Connaughton, Deputy City Attorney, spoke about the enforcement of city ordinances. He <br />indicated that prosecution is initiated by arrest or city ordinance. Upon arrest, the report is <br />sent to the attorney's office and the individual is arraigned before a judge. At that time, if the <br />individual pleads guilty, the fine is paid. If the individual pleads not guilty, the matter is set <br />for trial. Mr. Connaughton indicated that most of the complaints by citizens had to do with noises <br />such as barking dogs. He indicated that, when that is the case, a letter is sent to the owner of <br />the dog notifying him of the complaint and instructing him to take care of the problem. Regarding <br />the parking program, Mr. Connaughton explained that this involved a more vigorous enforcement pro- <br />gram which has recently been initiated. This program is being handled through the City Clerk's <br />Office and involves a system set up for citizens who receive a summons to settle out of court when <br />a parking violation occurs. Regarding the trash collection, Mr. Connaughton indicated that the <br />Departments of Law, Safety and Public Works are involved in various aspects. In the Safety <br />Department, there is an environmental control officer who checks out the complaint and takes a <br />picture of the area. The owner and address is determined and a letter is sent which states that thi <br />matter must be rectified within 48 hours or the owner will be subject to prosecution. A second <br />inspection is made of the premises about five days later. If the matter is not cleared up, it is <br />referred to the Department of Law and Department of Public Works. Council President Nemeth thanked <br />Mr. Connaughton for his presentation. <br />ITION (AMENDED) TO REZONE PROPERTY (4134 Lincolnway West) <br />We, the undersigned, do hereby respectfully make application and petition the <br />Common Council of the City of South Bend to amend the Zoning Ordinance of the City of <br />South Bend as hereinafter requested, and in support of this application, the following <br />facts are shown: <br />1. The property sought to be rezoned is located at 4134 Lincolnway West, South <br />Bend, Indiana. <br />2. The property is owned by Eugene J. McGarvey, Jr. and Keith E. Vial. <br />3. A legal description of the property is as follows: <br />Part of the Southeast Quarter (1/4) of the Southwest Quarter (1/4) <br />of Section Thirty -three (33), Township Thirty -eight (38) North, <br />Range Two (2) East, described as beginning at a point Five Hundred <br />Ninety -seven and Three Tenths (597.3) feet West of the Southeast <br />corner of the Southwest Quarter of Section Thirty -three (33), <br />Township and Range aforesaid, thence West Four Hundred Seventy -two <br />and Two Tenths (472.2) feet; thence North Five Hundred Twenty -nine <br />and Nine Tenths (529.9) feet to the South line of Lincoln Way West <br />or U.S. Highway 20, said line being the South line of a One Hundred <br />(100) foot right -of -way; thence South Sixty -eight (68) degrees, <br />Thirty (30) minutes East along said South line a distance of Three <br />