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REGULAR MEETING JULY 23, 1973 <br />IIREGULAR MEETING - RECONVENED (CONTINUED) <br />budgeting. Mr. Zwierzynski indicated that he hoped the Council would pass an ordinance that would <br />provide for the filling of the position of a policeman or fireman within 30 or 60 days after the <br />death of that individual, to be retroactive to January, 1973. Miss Virginia Guthrie, Executive <br />Secretary of the Civic Planning Association, indicated that she felt this would be an administra- <br />tive function. She felt the administration should be made aware of the request and she questioned <br />making the ordinance retroactive to January, 1973. Councilman Parent indicated that he felt such <br />an ordinance could be prepared and presented to the Council for action. He stated that there were <br />17 slots unfilled in the Fire Department at the present time. He indicated to Mr. Zwierzynski tha <br />he would check into the issue with him and, if he supported such an ordinance, he would vote for <br />its passage. Councilman Horvath indicated that the Council passed the ordinances and that the pre <br />paration of the ordinances should be up to the administration. He stated that the number of men o <br />the department was not the issue. <br />Mrs. Janet Allen, 125 West Marion, asked about the status of the noise ordinance. Councilman <br />Kopczynski made a motion to direct the City Clerk to write a letter to the City Attorney inquiring <br />about the ordinance, seconded by Councilman Parent. The motion carried. <br />Mr. Dennis DeBuysser, 1221 East Victoria, indicated that the Council had stated that it was not <br />known what the incoming revenue would be for 1974. He asked if it would be possible to raise the <br />salaries if an over - abundance of revenue was received by the city. Council President Nemeth <br />indicated that state law requires that the salary ordinances be set before the end of July and <br />could not be changed. Councilman Parent indicated that perhaps if it was known there would be <br />over - estimate of incoming revenue before adoption of the budget, the Council could work in the <br />of fringe benefits for its employees. Miss Virginia Guthrie, Executive Secretary of the Civic <br />Planning Association, wondered how many men were needed in the Fire Department and which slots <br />it <br />an <br />ar <br />we <br />to be filled. Mr. DeBuysser indicated that the Fire Chief had also requested additional personnel.) <br />11UNFINISHED BUSINESS <br />Councilman Kopczynski, Chairman of <br />committee had completed its work, <br />tion be set for public hearing and <br />The motion carried. <br />II NEW BUSINESS <br />the Historical Preservation Committee, indicated that his <br />and he made a motion that the ordinance on historical preserva- <br />second reading on September 10, seconded by Councilman Parent. <br />Council President Nemeth indicated that the Council was to make an appointment to the South Bend <br />Public Transportation Corporation. Councilman Szymkowiak made a motion to re- appoint Mr. John <br />Kasprzak to the South Bend Public Transportation Corporation, seconded by Councilman Kopczynski. <br />The motion carried. It was indicated that Mr. Kasprzak had done a fine job during his first term <br />with the corporation. Council President Nemeth requested the City Clerk to notify Mr. Kasprzak <br />and arrange to have him sworn in. <br />Councilman Serge briefly talked about the problem the older citizens have at the Plaza Apartments <br />when receiving their pension checks and not being able to cash them immediately. He suggested tha <br />the Police Department provide service to the residents of the apartment by transporting them to <br />a bank. Councilman Kopczynski felt it would be more appropriate to ask the bus company to look <br />into the matter. He indicated that the Police Department is over - burdened. Councilman Serge <br />indicated that he had approached Police Chief Urban, and the chief had indicated that he could <br />render the service. Council President Nemeth indicated that he felt Chief Urban should contact <br />the Council regarding the matter. <br />Councilman Miller made a motion that the August 13th Council meeting be scheduled at 7:00 p.m., <br />seconded by Councilman Kopczynski. The motion carried. <br />There being no further business to come before the Council, unfinished or new, Councilman Parent <br />made a motion that the meeting be adjourned, seconded by Councilman Kopczynski. The motion carri <br />and the meeting adjourned at 10:27 p.m. <br />ATTEST: AP O D <br />CITY CLERK MESIDENT <br />+++++++++++++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +.... # +f -- ....+++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ <br />