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REGULAR MEETING MAY 29 1973 <br />REGULAR MEETING - RECONVENED (CONTINUED) <br />A RESOLUTION SETTING FORTH THE NEED FOR ECONOMIC <br />DEVELOPMENT <br />WHEREAS: <br />WHEREAS: <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: <br />Resolution No. 12 -73 <br />Hill White Truck Sales has made application <br />for the purposes of the issuance of industrial <br />revenue bonds, and <br />The Commission finds that the granting of said <br />application is in the best interests of the <br />economic stability and general welfare of the <br />community, <br />by the Economic Development Commission of the City of <br />South Bend that the proposed financing for the <br />application of Hill White Truck Sales complies <br />with the purposes and provisions of the Economic <br />Development Act, and the Commission hereby <br />approves said financing as being in the best <br />interests of the economic welfare of the <br />community. <br />THIS RESOLUTION ADOPTED BY THE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT <br />COMMISSION OF THE CIVIL CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA, <br />THIS 18th DAY OF MAY, 1973. <br />s/ Karl G. King, Jr. <br />President <br />s /Peter J. Nemeth <br />Vice President <br />s/ Walter Mucha <br />Secretary <br />REPORT OF CITY OF SOUTH BEND <br />ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION <br />MAKING CERTAIN ESTIMATES <br />Pursuant to the Municipal Economic Development Act of 1965, as amended, the City of <br />South Bend Economic Development Commission is required to make certain estimates in <br />regard to the purchase of and addition to a facility at 1011 West Sample Street in <br />South Bend by Hill White Truck Sales, Inc. The estimates are as follows: <br />(1) The number of public services or facilities, including streets, <br />sidewalks, schools, sewers, street lights, fire and police protec- <br />tion which would be made additionally necessary or desirable on <br />account of the proposed facility are none and the expenses therefore <br />are none. <br />(2) The total project cost of the proposed facility will be approximately <br />$515,000.00. <br />(3) The number of jobs to be created by the proposed facilities would be <br />approximately 12 with an estimated annual payroll increase up to <br />$137,000.00. <br />This firm has been an established business in our community. The construction of the <br />proposed facilities would be in conformity to the area, will provide an increase in <br />the tax base and would use the local construction industry in the construction of the <br />facility. A firm commitment to purchase the bonds has been received by the Commission. <br />May 8, 1973 <br />Mr. Aaron H. Huguenard, President <br />Board of School Trustees <br />South Bend Community School Corporation <br />635 South Main Street <br />South Bend, Indiana <br />Dear Mr. Huguenard: <br />Pursuant to the Municipal Economic Development Act of 1965, as amended, I am enclosing <br />a copy of the report of the City of South Bend's Economic Development Commission making <br />certain estimates pertaining to the application of Hill White Truck Sales, Inc., of South <br />Bend. <br />I would appreciate your immediate attention and indication of your approval. <br />Sincerely, <br />s/ Karl G. King, Jr. <br />KGK /nt President <br />cc: Jerry J. Miller, Mayor, City of South Bend <br />Peter Nemeth, President, South Bend City Council <br />James A. Roemer, South Bend City Attorney <br />Kenneth Fedder, Counsel, Economic Development Commission <br />Allen P. Hill, Jr., Hill White Truck Sales, Inc. <br />