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EL =ULAIR MRPTTNr; MAY 29, 1973 <br />REGULAR MEETING - RECONVENED (CONTINUED) <br />May 14, 1973 <br />Mr. Karl King, President <br />Economic Development Commission <br />of South Bend <br />County -City Building <br />South Bend, Indiana 46601 <br />Dear Mr. King: <br />The Board of School Trustees for the South Bend Community School Corporation endorses <br />wholeheartedly the purchase of and addition to a facility at 1011 West Sample Street in <br />South Bend by Hill White Truck Sales, Inc. <br />The School Corporation does not consider that this project would cause any major change <br />in school enrollments nor bring any burden upon the present school facilities. <br />AHH /mm <br />Mr. Frank Miles, President <br />Area Plan Commission <br />County -City Building <br />South Bend, Indiana <br />Dear Mr. Miles: <br />Sincerely, <br />s/ Aaron H. Huguenard, President <br />Board of School Trustees <br />May 8, 1973 <br />Pursuant to the Municipal Economic Development Act of 1965, as amended, I am enclosing <br />a copy of the report of the City of South Bend's Economic Development Commission making <br />certain estimates pertaining to the application of Hill White Truck Sales, Inc., of South <br />Bend. <br />I would appreciate your immediate attention and indication of your approval. <br />Sincerely, <br />s/ Karl G. King, Jr. <br />KGK /nt President <br />cc: Jerry J. Miller, Mayor, City of South Bend <br />Peter Nemeth, President, South Bend City Council <br />James A. Roemer, South Bend City Attorney <br />Kenneth Fedder, Counsel, Economic Development Commission <br />Allen P. Hill, Jr., Hill White Truck Sales, Inc. <br />May 17, 1973 <br />Mr. Karl G. King, Jr., President <br />Economic Development Commission <br />c/o Office Engineers <br />117 North Michigan Street <br />South Bend, Indiana 46601 <br />In Re: Hill White Truck Sales, Inc. <br />1011 West Sample Street <br />Dear Mr. King: <br />The St. Joseph County Area Plan Commission has reviewed the proposal of Hill <br />White Truck Sales, Inc., for enlarging the existing facilities in South Bend. <br />The proposal is consistent with the present zoning and the Comprehensive Plan <br />for Community Development. <br />RSJ /ch <br />Very truly yours, <br />s/ Richard S. Johnson <br />Acting Director <br />A public hearing was held on the resolution at this time. Mr. Kenneth Fedder, Attorney for the <br />Economic Development Commission, explained that Hill White desired to purchase and add to the <br />facility at 1011 West Sample Street. He indicated that the total project cost of the proposed <br />facility would be approximately $515,000, and the number of jobs to be created by the proposed <br />facility would be approximately 12 with an estimated annual payroll increase up to $137,000. He <br />concluded by adding that Hill White Truck Sales has been an established business in the community <br />and the construction of the proposed facility would provide an increase in the tax base and use <br />the local construction industry in the construction of the facility. Councilman Szymkowiak asked <br />if Hill White Truck Sales was the company on Sample Street that the city had had problems with in <br />the past regarding the gravel parking lot. Councilman Horvath indicated that Councilman Szymkowi <br />was referring to the Whiteford Trucking Company and not Hill White Truck Sales. <br />Councilman Parent made a.motion that the resolution be adopted, seconded by Councilman Szymkowiak. <br />The resolution passed by a roll call vote of eight ayes (Councilmen Serge, Szymkowiak, Miller, <br />Parent, Taylor, Horvath, Newburn and Nemeth) with Councilman Kopczynski absent. <br />