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REGULAR MEETING - RECONVENED (CONTINUED) <br />ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE AMENDING AND SUPPLEMENTING ORDINANCE <br />NO. 4990 -68, CHAPTER 40, OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF <br />THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA, FORMERLY REFERRED <br />TO AS ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 3702, AS AMENDED (NORTH- <br />WEST CORNER OF IRELAND ROAD- IRONWOOD DRIVE INTER- <br />SECTION) . <br />This ordinance had first reading. Councilman Taylor made a motion that the ordinance be referred <br />to the Area Plan Commission, seconded by Councilman Parent. The motion carried. <br />ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND SECTION 15 -16 OF THE <br />MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, <br />INDIANA, AS AMENDED. <br />This ordinance had first reading. Councilman Parent made a motion that the ordinance be set for <br />public hearing and second reading on June 11, 1973, at 7:00 p.m., seconded by Councilman Szymkowi <br />The motion carried. <br />ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE TRANSFERRING THE SUM OF $4,000.00 <br />FROM ACCOUNT NO. U -12, "SERVICES PERSONAL - <br />WAGES ", AND $8,000.00 FROM ACCOUNT NO. U -13, <br />"SERVICES PERSONAL - EXTRA AND OVERTIME ", TO <br />ACCOUNT NO. U -252, "SERVICES CONTRACTUAL ", ALL <br />ACCOUNTS BEING WITHIN THE MUNICIPAL SERVICES <br />FACILITY BUDGET, CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA. <br />This ordinance had first reading. Councilman Newburn made a motion that the ordinance be set for <br />public hearing and second reading on June 11, 1973, at 7:00 p.m., seconded by Councilman Horvath. <br />The motion carried. <br />ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE APPROVING A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE <br />BUREAU OF WATER OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, <br />INDIANA, AND CLOW CORPORATION, SOUTH BEND, <br />INDIANA, FOR THE PURCHASE OF: I. CAST IRON <br />OR DUCTILE PIPE AND FITTINGS; II. MECHANICAL <br />JOINT GATE VALVES FOR A PERIOD FROM JUNE 1, <br />1973, TO MAY 31, 1975, IN THE TOTAL AMOUNT <br />OF $166,069.42. <br />This ordinance had first reading. Councilman Horvath made a motion that the ordinance be set for <br />public hearing and second reading on June 11, 1973, at 7:00 p.m., seconded by Councilman Parent. <br />The motion carried. <br />ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE FOR ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATION IN <br />THE GENERAL PARK FUND FOR $133,860.00. <br />This ordinance had first reading. Councilman Parent made a motion that the ordinance be set for <br />public hearing and second reading on June 11, 1973, at 7:00 p.m., seconded by Councilman Taylor. <br />The motion carried. <br />PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR <br />Mrs. Fanny Grunwald, 227 South Frances Street, indicated that, at the May 14, 1973 meeting of the <br />Council, she had talked about the curbs in the downtown area and the fact that they were not being <br />made accessible to the physically handicapped. She indicated that she had received a letter from <br />Mr. Charles Lennon, Executive Director of the Department of Redevelopment, regarding her question. <br />She indicated that she had observed the ramps and they were very narrow. She felt this was a very <br />poor job and that the planning was not properly done. She felt it was an important matter and <br />should be taken care of. Council President Nemeth asked Mrs. Grunwald if she was able to attend <br />the Redevelopment meetings which are held on Friday mornings because he was sure if she attended <br />those meetings, she would get definite answers to her question. Mrs. Grunwald indicated that she <br />could possibly attend the meetings; however, she felt the Council should be able to help because <br />the new law had been approved by the Council regarding the physically handicapped. She mentioned <br />the break between the curb and the street, and Council President Nemeth indicated that the street <br />pavement has not yet been laid. Mr. William J. Richardson, Director of the Department of Public <br />Works, briefly explained the procedure. Mrs. Grunwald felt the ramps should be improved in order <br />to bring the business downtown. <br />Mrs. Lee Swan, 2022 Swygart, indicated that she wanted to speak about Councilman Kopczynski's <br />defense of motorcyclists at the May 14, 1973, Council meeting. She presented copies of letters <br />to the Clerk and Council President pertaining to problems the people are having in a certain area <br />because of the motorcyclists. She indicated that she had been told that nothing could be done <br />about the situation in the Walker Field area, and she mentioned that it was a very serious situa- <br />tion because there had been a hurt child involved. She mentioned that many of the riders are not <br />of age and, therefore, the bikes are not licensed and no insurance is available. Councilman Taylo: <br />suggested that Mrs. Swan's comments be directed to the Council Committee on Public Works to inves- <br />tigate more thoroughly. It was mentioned that, since the matter dealt with safety, it should <br />perhaps be referred to the Council Committee on Public Safety. Councilman Taylor so moved, second( <br />by Councilman Miller. The motion carried. <br />Mrs. Fanny Grunwald interjected that she hoped the same lax job that was being done regarding the <br />ramps for the handicapped was not being done on the new buildings that were being constructed. <br />Councilman Parent indicated that anything that is built with federal funds must be accessible to <br />the handicapped. Mrs. Grunwald suggested that the Council members take a walk through the downto <br />area to view the narrow ramps being installed. <br />UNFINISHED BUSINESS <br />Councilman Taylor made a motion to strike from the June 11th agenda the revenue sharing ordinance <br />in the amount of $5,000 for the Department of Law, seconded by Councilman Parent. The motion <br />carried. Council President Nemeth announced that the public hearing was no longer necessary in <br />view of the fact that the State Board of Tax Commissioners had approved the ordinance. <br />