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REGULAR MEETING JUNE 26, 1972 <br />CITIZENS REQUESTS — MISCELLANEOUS MATTERS <br />Mr. Paul Bognar, 805 W. Washington Street, spoke to the Council about citizen participation in <br />public hearings. He said that when experts in their fields come before the Council and give <br />valid reasons for their requests on particular ordinances, he would like to have the Council <br />give the citizens reasons for their actions when they cut requests or amend ordinances. <br />REPORT FROM AREA PLAN COMMISSION <br />City Clerk Irene K. Gammon read a report from the Area Plan Commission as follows: <br />m <br />June 22, 1972 " <br />The Honorable Common Council <br />City of South Bend <br />County -City Building <br />South Bend, Indiana 46601 <br />In Re: A proposed ordinance and site development plan of Charles Watson <br />to zone from presently county land to "C" Commercial District and <br />"A" Height and Area District, property located at 18369 State Road <br />23, South Bend, Indiana. <br />Gentlemen: <br />The attached zoning petition of Charles Watson was legally advertised <br />June 10, 1972 and June 17, 1972. The Area Plan Commission gave them public <br />hearing June 20, 1972 at which time the following action was taken: <br />"Upon a motion made by Ted Sharp that the Commission <br />recommend this petition of Charles Watson favorably, <br />being seconded by Kenneth Woods and unanimously <br />carried, this petition is favorably recommended to <br />the Common Council of the City of South Bend." <br />The deliberation of the Area Plan Commission and points considered in <br />arriving at the above decision are shown in excerpts of the minutes and will <br />be forwarded to you at a later date to be made a part of this report. <br />Very truly yours, <br />/s/ Howard Bellinger <br />Howard Bellinger, Executive Director <br />HB :et <br />Encl. <br />to <br />W <br />Councilman Parent made a motion that this matter be set for public hearing on July 24, 1972, <br />seconded by Councilman Taylor, and carried. <br />City Clerk Irene K. Gammon read a report from the Area Plan Commission as follows: <br />m <br />May 24, 1972 " <br />Peter Nemeth, President <br />Common Council of the City of South Bend <br />County -City Building <br />South Bend, Indiana 46601 <br />In Re: Amendment to Zoning Ordinance of the City of South Bend, Indiana <br />Article 7, Rezoning Procedures <br />Dear Mr. Nemeth: <br />Please be advised that the Area Plan Commission, on May 16, 1972, held <br />a public hearing on the ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance of the City <br />of South Bend, Indiana "Article 7, Rezoning Procedures. ". <br />I have enclosed a copy of the ordinance which includes amendments <br />worked out in earlier conference with you and Attorney Kevin Butler. Please <br />note the amendments have been underlined for your convenience. <br />Following due consideration, a motion was made by Dwight Miller and <br />seconded by Russell Rothermel and unanimously carried recommending favorably <br />to the Common Council, the subject ordinance with the following recommended <br />revisions: <br />1. Sec. 21- 118 -3. This item should read as follows: "(3) A member of <br />the Common Council, to that Council". This is consistent with State Enabling <br />Act, Page 15, #52 Item (1). <br />2. Sec. 21 -119. This paragraph should read as follows: "in the case <br />of an amendment proposed and recommended by the Commission, the Council has <br />60 days in which to adopt or reject said recommendation. If the Council has <br />not adopted said recommendation within 60 days after the Commission's recom- <br />mendation, the amendment shall be deemed approved as recommended and the <br />ordinance submitted with the petition shall have the force and effect of law:'.' <br />3. Sec. 21- 120- 4.C.1. This item should read as follows: <br />(4.C.1.) ... unless the petitioner makes request to the Commission in writing <br />for additional time. <br />