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REGULAR MEETING JUNE 26, 1972 <br />COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING (CONTINUED) <br />The meeting reconvened at 10:25 p.m. with the continuation of the public hearing. <br />Mr. Joseph Guentert, 1034 Foster Street, spoke in opposition to the ordinances. He read a pre- <br />pared statement regarding the problems of solid waste disposal and said that these ordinances <br />are not the approach to take to solution of the problem. He recommended that the Council inves- <br />tigate the possibility of recycling programs. He also stressed that the problem is caused by <br />not enforcing trash and littering laws. <br />Mrs. Odessa Brown, 230 N. Sadie Street, asked the Council to disregard these ordinances. She <br />said that the Council should consider the welfare mothers and others who would find it a hard- <br />ship to pay for trash hauling especially if it was put on their water bill. <br />Mrs. Ann Wlodarski, 1869 Riverside Drive, presented a petition from members of the Fair Tax <br />Association asking that the Council delete in their entirety the two trash ordinances. <br />Mrs. Fanny Grunwald, 227 S. Frances Street, said that, as an All- American city, South Bend is <br />noted for high taxes. She asked that the Council not pass the trash ordinances. <br />Mrs. Conchita Washington introduced herself to the Council as the exonerated President of the <br />local chapter of the N.A.A.C.P. She spoke in opposition to the Ordinances. She read a petition <br />from the Consolidated Rubbish Corporation, a minority corporation, asking that the Council de- <br />lete both ordinances. She said this is another case of minority group persons being hampered <br />in their efforts to be self - supporting. These ordinances deny free enterprise and impose hard- <br />ships on the citizens. The Consolidated Rubbish Corporation has an investment of $280,000 in <br />equipment with 150 truck owners and over 400 employees. She said that if jobs are taken away <br />from these people and their families you will have to support them and pay their rent. She said <br />that the children of these families will be roaming the streets and there will be trouble. <br />Mr. Robert Bell, 106 N. Michigan Street, spoke in opposition to the ordinances. He said he favor <br />the free enterprise system. He said the independent trash haulers are local people doing a job <br />in their city. He said he doesn't want the city in the trash pickup business. <br />Mr. Earl Brown, 1230 Diamond Avenue, spoke against the ordinance. He said he knows it is a major <br />problem to clean up the city of South Bend but he thinks the private haulers can do the job. <br />He said the violators of trash and littering laws should be reported to the City Attorney and <br />action should be taken against them. <br />Mr. George Nicholas, 106 N. Michigan Street, spoke against the ordinances. He operates four <br />restaurants in the area and prefers to contract with private haulers. He said municipal trash <br />hauling in the City of Mishawaka, where he operates a business, has not been successful. <br />Mrs. Mary Barbara, 750 N. Lawndale, spoke in opposition to the ordinances. She said that her <br />husband is an independent trash hauler and that the major problem is dogs running loose who <br />scatter the trash. She asked that the dog laws be enforced and that these ordinances be'defeated <br />Mrs. Janet Allen, 125 W. Marion Street, opposed the ordinances. She said that the private enter- <br />prise system is the best one and urged the Council to reject both ordinances and enforce the <br />laws we have. <br />Bernard White, Jr., 830 S. Wellington Street, spoke against the ordinances. He said that the <br />city does not do a good job with garbage collection and asked that the ordinances on trash <br />hauling be tabled. <br />Miss Virginia Guthrie, Executive Secretary of the Civic Planning Association, asked whether it <br />was legal to put this trash hauling charge on the water bill. Deputy Attorney Laderer said that <br />it was. Miss Guthrie said that those who can't or won't pay their water bills will result in <br />the taxpayers paying the bills through welfare and assistance agencies. <br />Mr. Robert Hostetler, 206 Jennings, spoke against the ordinances and said the city should stay <br />out of the trash hauling business. <br />Councilman Taylor said that because of the many comments and questions raised tonight he would <br />move for the tabling of both ordinances until the July 24, 1972 regular meeting. Councilman <br />Miller seconded the motion. Councilman Nemeth said that it was ironic that on the agenda <br />tonight was an ordinance encouraging private enterprise by issuing revenue bonds for the Royal <br />Inn project and at the same time stifling private enterprise in the matter of trash hauling. <br />Councilman Parent said that the reason the Council is dealing with this problem is that the <br />Councilmen get calls from citizens complaining about the problems with the present trash hauling <br />system. The private system doesn't seem to be working and the city has a responsibility to make <br />sure it has a clean, healthy environment. He said that with a Sanitation Department budget of <br />$350,000 and with 40,000 households paying approximately $3.00 a month for trash removal, this <br />amounts to about $1,800,000 a year. At the present time, there are two overlapping systems <br />operating, with the city collection of garbage and the private trash hauling system and one <br />system picking up everything would result in more efficiency. He said that he would like the <br />Council to take six or seven months to work on these proposals. Councilman Miller said that he <br />would like to see the private trash haulers solve the problems in the Southeast neighborhood at <br />a cost of $2.00 a household. He said the situation there is atrocious and cannot be allowed to <br />continue to exist. The question was called and the motion carried. <br />There being no further business to be considered <br />Newburn entertained a motion to rise and report <br />seconded by Councilman Horvath. Motion carried. <br />ATTEST: <br />CLERK <br />before the Committee of the Whole, Chairman <br />to the Council, so moved by Councilman Taylor, <br />Time 11:50 p.m. <br />Councilman Miller moved for a 5 minute recess, seconded by Councilman Taylor. Motion carried. <br />REGULAR MEETING - RECONVENED <br />Be it remembered that the Common Council of the City of South Bend, Indiana reconvened in the <br />Council Chambers of the County -City Building on Monday, June26, 1972 at 12 < :05 a.m., Council <br />President Peter J. Nemeth presiding. <br />REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON MINUTES <br />Your committee on the inspection and supervision of minutes would respectfully report that they <br />have inspected the minutes of the June 12, 1972 regular meeting and found them correct. They, <br />therefore, recommend that the same be approved. <br />/s/ Peter J. Nemeth <br />/s/ Terry S. Miller <br />Upon motion made by Councilman Parent, seconded by Councilman Serge, and carried, the report was <br />accepted and placed on file. <br />