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REGULAR MEETING AUGUST 9 1976 <br />REGULAR MEETING - RECONVENED (CONTINUED) <br />RESOLUTION <br />A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY <br />OF SOUTH BEND, URGING THE INDIANA STATE HIGHWAY <br />COMMISSION TO RECOMMEND FOR APPROVAL, AND THE <br />ST. JOSEPH COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AND <br />COUNTY COUNCIL TO APPROVE, THE OLIVE - SAMPLE <br />STREETS RAILROAD SEPARATION AND STREET INTER= <br />CHANGE. <br />A public hearing was held at this time on the resolution. Council Member Kopczynski said this p <br />ject has been talked about for many years, and recently there have been meetings held and some ob <br />jection voiced. He said we must consider what is best for the City. He said this was a very <br />important project which will help the economic growth of theCity. <br />Ms. Rita Kopczynski, 529 S. Phillipa, read a statement which indicated a negative attitude of th <br />people in the neighborhood. She said approximately seventy homes would be demolished. She in- <br />dicated that five hundred and thirty signatures have been collected on a petition against this <br />project. <br />Alex Niespondziany, 746 S. Meade, asked if this Council could vote on this resolution, since thi <br />was a county project. <br />Council President Parent indicated that the resolution was for Council's support to improve the <br />traffic situation in the area. <br />Council Member Horvath indicated that ten years ago he would have been in favor of spending mone <br />for this project. He said it was not such a big problem anymore due to the fact that rail traff <br />has declined. He said he would recommend the ordinance go into some committee until such time a <br />the County Council and Commissioners, and the State come up with a workable program that would b <br />beneficial to the neighborhood. Council Member Horvath made a motion that this resolution go in <br />the Committee of the Whole, seconded by Council Member Serge. Council Member Adams indicated sh <br />would like to speak against that motion. She said that at the present time there is a problem <br />at that intersection. She said she looked upon this resolution as just urging the County and Sta <br />to get busy and do something. She said that therefore she would ask for a no -vote to the motion <br />of sending this to committee. <br />Council Member Szymkowiak indicated that it was about time something was done about this railroa <br />He said that enough money has been spent in surveys, engineering and plans that probably would pa <br />for half the bridge. <br />Council Member Dombrowski said there was a need for something to be done. He indicated that the <br />Council did not have jurisdiction on this, but he thought the Council should send the County and <br />the State a letter urging some type of project that fits the needs of the neighborhood. <br />Council Member Kopczynski said it is unfortunate that the design they are considering is such a <br />monster, but he thought the County Commissioners, as well as County Council needed an urging to <br />get things done, so he urged the Council to act on this resoltuion. <br />Mr. Conrad Damian, 718 E. Broadway, indicated that this resolution urged the Indiana State Highwz <br />Commission, as well as the County Commissioners and County Council to recommend favorably this <br />project, and this project calls for the demolition of these homes. Council Member Adams said tha <br />this is mainly an intent of the City Council to urge something be done. Mr. Damian indicated thZ <br />as a Council you will be lending weight and support to this project. Council Member Adams asked <br />if it would be better for everyone if Section I was changed to urge the Indiana State Highway <br />Commission to recommend favorably a project. <br />Council Member Serge asked where these people would go if they had to be relocated. <br />Council Member Kopczynski indicated he felt the Council should look at the entire needs of the <br />City. <br />Mr. James Dembinski, 2506 W. Dunham, indicated that everyone on his block was against this and if <br />it is approved they will hire a lawyer to fight it. Council Member Parent indicated that if the <br />County Commissioners and County Council did not know the sentiment of the City Council on this <br />project by now, they have not heard anything for the last five years. He said the greatest prob] <br />we have in the City is that our neighborhoods are not being protected. He indicated he did not <br />think the Council should take a position on this resoltuion this evening. <br />Council Member Szymkowiak indicated the citizens are getting tired of living on promises. He <br />said all this resolution does is speak to the County of the needs of the City. <br />A roll call vote was taken on the motion to send this resolution to committee. The motion pass <br />on a vote of five ayes (Council Members Serge, Taylor, Dombrowski, Horvath and Parent) and four <br />nays (Council Members Szymkowiak, Miller, Adams, and Kopczynski). <br />RESOLUTION NO. 529 -76 A RESOLUTION TRANSFERRING $1,000.00 FROM <br />ACCOUNT 425.0 MATERIALS, DRIVES & WALKS <br />TO ACCOUNT 430.0, MATERIALS, REPAIR PARTS. <br />BOTH ACCOUNTS ARE IN THE GENERAL PARK FUND. <br />WHEREAS, certain extraordinary conditions have developed since the adoption of the existing ann <br />budget so that it is now necessary to transfer money from one account to another in the annual <br />budget for various functions of the Department of Public Parks to meet such extraordinary emerg <br />and <br />WHEREAS, it has been ascertained that a certain account in the General Park Fund has more money <br />than it needed at this time. <br />NOW, THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED, by the Common Council of the City of South Bend, Indiana: <br />Section I. That the following account be reduced in the amount set opposite said <br />account to -wit: <br />;ies, <br />