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REGULAR MEETING NOVEMBER 10, 1975 <br />REGULAR MEETING - RECONVENED (CONTINUED) <br />Kopczynski. The ordinance passed by a roll call vote of seven ayes (Councilmen Serge, Szymkowiak, <br />Taylor, Kopczynski, Nemeth, Newburn and Parent) and two nays (Councilmen Miller and Horvath). <br />ORDINANCE NO. 5907 -75 AN ORDINANCE APPROVING A CONTRACT BETWEEN <br />THE BUREAU OF WATER OF THE CITY OF SOUTH <br />BEND, INDIANA, AND SHAMROCK FORD TRUCK SALES, <br />INC. OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA, FOR THE PURCHASE <br />OF A 1976 TRUCK IN THE TOTAL AMOUNT OF $6,524.00. <br />This ordinance had second reading. Councilman Kopczynski made a motion to pass the ordinance, <br />seconded by Councilman Serge. The ordinance passed by a roll call vote of nine ayes (Councilmen <br />Serge, Szymkowiak, Miller, Taylor, Kopczynski, Horvath, Nemeth, Newburn and Parent). <br />ORDINANCE NO. 5908 -75 <br />AN ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING $45,000.00 FROM <br />THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT GRANT FUND FOR <br />VARIOUS PUBLIC WORKS PROGRAMS, TO BE <br />ADMINISTERED BY THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND <br />THROUGH ITS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS. <br />This ordinance had second reading. Councilman Taylor made a motion to pass the ordinance, sec <br />by Councilman Kopczynski. The ordinance passed by a roll call vote of nine ayes (Councilmen <br />Serge, Szymkowiak, Miller, Taylor, Kopczynski, Horvath, Nemeth, Newburn and'Parent). <br />ORDINANCE NO. 5909 -75 AN ORDINANCE TRANSFERRING THE SUM OF <br />$61,500.00 BETWEEN VARIOUS ACCOUNTS IN THE <br />BUREAU OF WASTE WATER, SAID ACCOUNTS BEING <br />WITHIN THE SEWAGE WORKS OPERATION AND <br />MAINTENANCE FUND, AND THE SEWAGE WORKS <br />DEPRECIATION FUND. <br />This ordinance had second reading. Councilman Serge made a motion to pass the ordinance, seconded <br />by Councilman Taylor. The ordinance passed by a roll call vote of nine ayes (Councilmen Serge, <br />Szymkowiak, Miller, Taylor, Kopczynski, Horvath, Nemeth, Newburn and Parent). <br />ORDINANCE NO. 5910 -75 <br />AN ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING FROM THE <br />SANITATION FUND FOR THE BUREAU OF SOLID <br />WASTE ACCOUNT #321.0, "GASOLINE ", IN THE <br />AMOUNT.OF $8,000.00, AND ACCOUNT #722.0, <br />"MOTOR EQUIPMENT ", IN THE AMOUNT OF <br />$1,300.00. <br />This ordinance had second reading. Councilman Horvath made a motion to amend the ordinance as <br />amended in the Committee of the Whole, seconded by Councilman Kopczynski. The motion carried. <br />Councilman Kopczynski then made a motion to pass the ordinance, as amended, seconded by Councilman <br />Serge. The ordinance passed by a roll call vote of nine ayes (Councilmen Serge, Szymkowiak, <br />Miller, Taylor, Kopczynski, Horvath, Nemeth, Newburn and Parent). <br />ORDINANCE NO. 5911 -75 AN ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING $14,600.00 FROM <br />THE FEDERAL ASSISTANCE GRANT COMMONLY <br />REFERRED TO AS GENERAL REVENUE SHARING, <br />FOR VARIOUS BICENTENNIAL FUNCTIONS FOR <br />1976, TO BE ADMINISTERED BY THE CITY OF <br />SOUTH BEND THROUGH ITS DEPARTMENT OF <br />HUMAN RESOURCES. <br />This ordinance had second reading. Councilman Szymkowiak made a motion to pass the ordinance, <br />seconded by Councilman Kopczynski. The ordinance passed by a roll call vote of nine ayes <br />(Councilmen Serge, Szymkowiak, Miller, Taylor, Kopczynski, Horvath, Nemeth, Newburn and Parent). <br />RESOLUTIONS <br />RESOLUTION A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMON COUNCIL URGING <br />THE BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS TO PROVIDE FREE <br />PARKING IN THE MUNICIPAL GARAGES ON MONDAY <br />EVENINGS AND SATURDAYS, TO EXTEND THE <br />GREEN CURB PARKING PRIVILEGES AND TO <br />ADJUST THE PARKING METERS. <br />A public hearing was held at this time on the resolution. Council President Parent indicated <br />that the resolution contained a provision to provide free parking in the municipal garages on <br />Monday nights and Saturdays; to extend the green curb areas; and to adjust meters to take advan- <br />tage of unused time. He indicated that the first two provisions were basically accepted by the <br />Board of Public Works. He indicated that the resolution merely would urge the Board of Public <br />Works to initiate the program. He stated that the legality of the resolution had been explored, <br />and he felt there would be no problems. He felt that, if the revenues lost on the garages were <br />replaced, and they would be, there would be no problem with the bond payments. Mr. Robert <br />Blakeney, residing at 6140 Maimi, Chairman of the Downtown Council's Parking Committee, requested <br />that the Council act favorably on the resolution, and he commended the Council for passing -the <br />ordinance regarding free parking. Mr. Victor Zielinski, 1625 North Brookfield, wondered if the <br />rental fee on the Main Street garage could be lowered. He asked that the Council consider his <br />suggestion. <br />Councilman Kopczynski wondered if the minutes of the meetings for the Downtown Council could be <br />forwarded to him so that he and the Council would be more knowledgeable of the wants and needs of <br />the committee. Councilman Miller asked Mr. Farrand, Director of the Department of Public Works, <br />to comment on the resolution. Mr. Farrand indicated that the city was already receiving contacts <br />from the monthly parkers concerning the possibility of a reduction. He wondered about this. <br />Council President Parent indicated that there would be no reduction proposed for the monthly <br />