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REGULAR MEETING AUGUST 25, 1975 <br />COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING (CONTINUED) <br />Common Council <br />110 <br />721 <br />725 <br />Police Department <br />540 <br />Fire Pension <br />213 <br />260 <br />532 <br />Police Pension <br />213 <br />260 <br />532 <br />Art Association <br />500 <br />Attorney, Temporary <br />Furniture and Fixtures <br />Office Equipment <br />Clothing Allowance <br />Travel Expense <br />Other Contractuals <br />Pensions Personnel <br />Travel Expense <br />Other Contractuals <br />Pensions Personnel <br />Current Charges <br />Current Year <br />Current Year <br />$ 13,000.00 <br />500.00 <br />750.00 <br />91,430.00 <br />-0- <br />-0- <br />282,727.40 <br />-0- <br />-0- <br />94,755.50 <br />32,577.00 <br />Councilman Nemeth seconded the motion to amend the ordinance further. The motion carried. Mr. <br />Evans read the following statement of the Civic Planning Association into the record: <br />South Bend Common Council <br />County -City Building <br />South Bend, Indiana <br />Gentlemen: <br />August 25, 1975 <br />First, may we take this opportunity to thank you for the time you spend <br />serving this community. We recognize the difficulty in reaching wise and fair <br />decisions and for your study and deliberations we thank you. <br />You may recall last year at this time we were dealing with the computerized <br />budget for the first time and we stated that we would make a number of suggested <br />changes in the format for 1976. We did make those suggestions, about 15 in all, <br />and we are disappointed that so few of our ideas were incorporated by the city <br />administration. We shall keep trying. <br />We shall be asking specific questions on some of the budgets but we note that <br />the cost of travel in this budget is $26,500 while the expenses thru July amount to <br />about $9,000, or roughly $18,000 for the year. This would indicate a possible saving <br />of about $8,000 if the travel accounts were collected into one account. We're not <br />sure of the wisdom of such a step but raise the topic for consideration. Other <br />such items that appear as small amounts in individual departmental budgets might <br />also be considered for collection into one account, for example, dues and subscrip- <br />tions, equipment repairs and those small items which are common to all departments. <br />Finally, we believe that it is your intention to reduce the 1976 budget to an <br />amount which can be supported by the frozen tax rate. We would urge you to examine <br />the budgets with the intention of reducing them to the level which provides taxpayers <br />with the lowest possible cost and still furnishes the needed level of service, and <br />we emphasize needed. Your study to this point makes you the most qualified persons <br />to do this. <br />Sincerely, <br />SOUTH BEND CIVIC PLANNING ASSOCIATION, INC. <br />s/ Gene Evans <br />Executive Secretary <br />He asked for an explanation of Account 261, Promotional Expense, in the Mayor's Office, and Mr. <br />Barcome explained that this account covered many things such as entertainment, payment of litera- <br />ture coming into the office, keys to the city, etc. He indicated that many cities budget a great <br />deal more in promotional accounts than South Bend had. Mr. Evans questioned Account 230, <br />Instruction, in the Controller's Office. Mr. Barcome indicated that he had no particular use for <br />that account in the 1976 budget. He stated that the account was used in 1972, 1973 and 1974. Mr. <br />Evans asked for a detail of the figure in Account 260, Other Contractuals. Mr. Barcome was uncer= <br />tain as to that figure; however, he indicated that he would check that account and furnish Mr. <br />Evans the information at a later time. Councilmen Miller and Nemeth indicated that that amount wa <br />for the emergency police number 911. Mr. Evans indicated that he questioned the amounts of travel <br />in the various departments. He felt that a certain amount.of travel was needed. In the Human <br />Resources and Economic Development Department, an amount of $1,000 was requested for travel. He <br />indicated that, as of June 30th, over $900 had been spent. He wondered about the feasibility of <br />collecting all the travel accounts into one. He indicated that the Common Council had not used <br />car allowance and had used only a small amount of travel. He stated that, in the Attorney's Offic <br />there was a large jump in equipment repairs. He wondered if this was to be expected as a normal <br />amount for equipment repair. In the Board of Works budget, he questioned the need for a travel <br />account as there had been no expenditures from that account through June 30th. In Account 214, <br />Telephone and Telegraph, he wondered if enough money had been budgeted for 1976. Mr. Michael <br />Vance, Fiscal Officer for the Department of Public Works, indicated that there had been an error <br />in one of the bills this year in that one of the electric bills had been charged to the telephone <br />