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REGULAR MEETING I APRIL 21 1975 <br />REGULAR MEETING - RECONVENED (CONTINUED) <br />PETITIONS (CONTINUED) <br />East line of said Section 30; thence North and along the East line of said <br />Section 30, a distance of 367.9 feet to the place of beginning, EXCEPTING <br />therefrom the following described parcel: Beginning at a point on the East <br />line of the Southeast Quarter (1/4) of said Section 30, Township and Range <br />aforesaid, 367.9 feet South of the Northeast corner of the Southeast Quarter <br />(1/4) of said Section 30; thence West a distance of 200 feet; thence North <br />a distance of 177 feet; thence East a distance of 200 feet to a point on the <br />East line of the Southeast Quarter (1/4) of said Section 30, 177 feet North <br />to the place of beginning; thence South a distance of 177 feet to the place <br />of beginning. <br />PARCEL II: A tract or parcel of land in the Northeast Quarter (1/4) of the <br />Southeast Quarter (1/4) of Section 30, Township 37 North, Range 3 East, <br />bounded by a line running as follows: Beginning at the Northeast corner of <br />the Southeast Quarter (1/4) of said Section 30; thence West and along the <br />North line of said Section, a distance of 392.46 feet; thence South a dis- <br />tance of 367.9 feet; thence East a distance of 86.04 feet; thence North a <br />distance of 367.9 feet; thence West a distance of 86.04 feet to the place <br />of beginning. <br />4. It is desired and requested that the foregoing property be rezoned from <br />Residential Use and Height and Area District, to Commercial (C -2) <br />Use and A Height and Area. <br />5. It is proposed that the property will be put to the following use and <br />the following building(s) will be constructed: Two buildings will be <br />erected on the property. The first on Parcel I will be a 1,200 square <br />foot, one -story office building. The second building, commercial in <br />nature, will be located on Parcel II and it is intended that it will <br />house commercial businesses such as a florist shop, retail dry cleaners <br />and liquor store. <br />6. Number of off - street parking spaces to be provided: 88. <br />7. Attached is a copy of (a) an existing plot plan showing my property and <br />other surrounding properties; (b) names and addresses of all the <br />individuals, firms or corporations owning property within 300 feet of <br />the property sought to be rezoned; (c) site development plan. <br />Petition Prepared By: <br />Charles A. Sweeney, Jr. <br />KRAMER, ROWE, SWEENEY, BUTLER, <br />SIMERI AND LADERER <br />Suite 900, St. Joseph Bank Building <br />South Bend, Indiana 46601 <br />Telephone: (219) 233 -3303 <br />I.P.M., A Partnership <br />By s/ William H. Dunfee <br />* * * * * * * * * * * <br />I (We), the undersigned, do hereby respectfully make application and petition the <br />Common Council of the City of South Bend, Indiana, to amend the Zoning Ordinance of <br />the City of South Bend as hereinafter requested, and in support of this application, <br />the following facts are shown: <br />1. The property sought to be rezoned is located at 1800 block of South <br />Ironwood Drive, South Bend, Indiana, <br />2. The property is owned by Dale Brink and Curtis Crofoot and is optioned <br />to 220 Corp., 226 West Colfax Avenue, South Bend, Indiana 46601. <br />3. A legal description of the property is as follows: <br />Lots 60, 61, 62 and 63 inclusive of Roseland Park Addition located <br />in the Southeast corner of Section 18, Township 37 North, Range 3 <br />East in the City of South Bend, Indiana. <br />4. It is desired and requested that the foregoing property be rezoned from <br />"A" Residential Use and "A" Height and Area District, to "C -1" Commercial <br />Use and "E" Height and Area District. <br />5. It is proposed that the property will be put to the following use and <br />the following building(s) will be constructed: Grocery -- convenience <br />store, one (1) building. <br />6. Number of off - street parking spaces to be provided: 8. <br />7. Attached is (a) an original ordinance and 25 copies; (b) an original <br />petition and 25 copies; (c) a $10 filing fee; (d) an existing plot plan <br />showing my property and other surrounding properties; (e) names and <br />addresses of all the individuals, firms or corporations owning property <br />within 300 feet of the property sought to be rezoned; and (f) 5 copies <br />of a site development plan. <br />Petition Prepared By: s/ Dale Brink and Curtis L. Crofoot <br />Jack C. Dunfee, Jr. 434 North Michigan Street <br />