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REGULAR MEETING APRIL 21, 1975 <br />IREGULAR MEETING - RECONVENED (CONTINUED) <br />PETITIONS (CONTINUED) <br />I (We), the undersigned, do hereby respectfully make application and petition <br />the Common Council of the City of South Bend to amend the Zoning Ordinance of the <br />City of South Bend as hereinafter requested, and in support of this application, the <br />following facts are shown: <br />1. The property sought to be rezoned is located at the Southwest corner of <br />Portage Avenue and the Indiana Toll Road right -of -way. <br />2. The property is owned by Portage Place Associates. <br />3. A legal description of the property is as follows: <br />Part of the N 1/2 of Sec. 27, Twp. 38 N., R. 2 E., described as <br />beginning at a point 150 feet Southerly of the centerline of the <br />Indiana East West Toll Road and 65 feet southwesterly and perpendi- <br />cular to the centerline of Portage Avenue; thence South bearing <br />27023138" on and along the Westerly line of Portage Road a distance <br />of 493.93 feet; thence Southerly bearing 23016115" a distance of <br />120 feet; thence Southerly and Westerly in an arc having a 60' <br />radius to the North line of a private driveway parallel to and <br />751186" South of the centerline of the Indiana East West Toll Road; <br />thence Westerly along the North line of said private driveway a distance <br />of approximately 424 feet to the Easterly line of a north south private <br />street as shown on the Recorded Plat of Portage Place Apartments; <br />thence Northerly bearing 00001130" a distance of 601.86 feet more or <br />less to the South line of the Indiana East West Toll Road; thence <br />along said South line a distance of 180.71' to the place of <br />beginning; containing 4.72 acres more or less. <br />Subject to: <br />1. A 10' eastment over and across the North 10' of <br />said tract. <br />2. A 10' easement 5' either side of a line parallel <br />to and 503.00' North of the South line of said <br />tract for maintenance and construction of a <br />watermain. <br />4. It is desired and requested that the foregoing property will be rezoned <br />from "A" Residential Use and "A" Height and Area District, to "C -2" <br />Neighborhood Use and "C -2" Height and Area District. <br />5. It is proposed that the property will be put to the following use and <br />the following building(s) will be constructed: A mini -mall containing <br />a grocery, drug and variety store for neighborhood convenience, with <br />space provided on a second story above the variety store for possible <br />development of a small restaurant. <br />6. Number of off - street parking spaces to be provided: 306. <br />7. Attached is a copy of (a) an existing plot plan showing my property <br />and other surrounding properties; (b) names and addresses of all <br />the individuals, firms or corporations owning property within 300 <br />feet of the property sought to be rezoned; and (c) site development <br />plan, and economic analysis and traffic survey. <br />Petition Prepared By: <br />Joseph T. Helling <br />Crumpacker, May, Levy and Searer <br />224 West Jefferson Boulevard <br />South Bend, Indiana 46601 <br />Portage Place Associates <br />By s/ James J. Kelly <br />1720 Wisconsin Avenue <br />Washington, D.C. 20007 <br />We, the undersigned, do hereby respectfully make application and petition the <br />Common Council of the City of South Bend, Indiana, to amend the Zoning ordinance of <br />the City of South Bend as hereinafter requested, and in support of this application, <br />the following facts are shown: <br />1. The property sought to be rezoned is located at the northeast corner <br />of the intersection of Notre Dame Avenue and Howard Street. <br />2. The property is owned by PAPCO, Inc. (Rocco Papandria, James Dincolo - <br />land contract sellers), William D. Farmer, John R. Donahue (land <br />contract buyers). <br />3. A legal description of the property is as follows: <br />169 feet on the north and 165 feet on the south taken off of and <br />from the entire west end of Lots No. 93 and No. 94 of Sorin's Second <br />Addition to the Town of Lowell, now the City of South Bend. <br />