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REGULAR MEETING MARCH 24, 1975 <br />REGULAR MEETING - RECONVENED (CONTINUED) <br />REPORT FROM THE DIRECTOR OF THE DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN RESOURCES AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT <br />Mr. William Hojnacki, Director of the Department of Human Resources and Economic Development, <br />introduced Ms. Janice Patton, Director of the South Bend Human Rights Commission. She submitted <br />the 1974 annual report of the commission, and indicated that copies of the report were previously <br />mailed to the Council members. She stated that the commission had handled 127 cases in 1974 of <br />which 33 were carried over into 1975. As of March, 1975, 23 formal complaints had been filed and <br />17 were considered back - logged cases. Part of the annual report contained statistics such as: <br />the South Bend Human Rights Commission handled the fifth largest number of formal complaints in <br />Indiana. Ms. Patton compared the complaints handled by the South Bend Human Rights Commission <br />and other cities with budgets considerably greater. As an addendum to the report, Ms. Patton <br />indicated that the commission was working on a set of priorities that the commission viewed as th <br />responsibilities outlined in the ordinance. The commission also was working towards several <br />recommendations concerning police relations in the community. A set of working guidelines was <br />also established to interpret the laws relating to discriminatory matters. Regarding the concili <br />tory aspects, the commission had found probable cause to either reinstate employees or allow them <br />a reimbursement for wages lost, etc. She invited the Council members to attend the commission <br />meetings held on the second Wednesday of each month. Councilman Kopczynski also invited Ms. Patt <br />to attend the Council meetings. He wondered who was paying for the ads which had been appearing <br />on television. Ms. Patton indicated that any ads for the South Bend Human Rights Commission were <br />public- service times courtesy of the television stations. Councilman Miller indicated that he ha <br />read the annual report of the commission completely. He stated that, when the number of complain <br />was considered, it was close to the number of issues the councilmen were also involved in; likewis <br />the amount of the telephone calls. He felt the Human Rights Commission performed a certain and <br />definite function within the city. In the Community Development program, there was a position <br />for an EEO officer. He indicated that he had not read the total regulations under the Community <br />Development Act, but he assumed that the city could fund certain functions that would fall into t <br />position. Mr. Hojnacki indicated that ineligible activity was operation and maintenance. He <br />stated that "soft costs" could be funded if they were directly related to the "hard cost program" <br />He indicated that the EEO officer was the same position the city has had for a number of years. <br />This position dealt with contract compliance only and did not deal in the general area of public <br />law and discrimination. Councilman Miller wondered if there would be a possibility for the staff <br />of the Human Rights Commission to handle the EEO component, and the city could then pick up one o <br />two of the staff members under the Community Development program. Mr. Hojnacki felt that could <br />not be funded under EEO, in his opinion. He indicated that the question of discrimination in the <br />open housing market was being dealt with. The only relationship with the programs would be the <br />word "housing ". He stated that the more reasonable approach to the problem would be to pick up <br />the EEO officer under the Human Rights Commission. He agreed, however, that the position should <br />be tied to the Human Rights Commission or even perhaps the Legal Department as it involved the <br />legality of contracts. Councilman Miller stated that, if the city was faced with a severe "budge <br />crunch ", an employee might be saved if this route was taken. He asked that the possibility be <br />explored before the next Council meeting. Councilman Szymkowiak talked about the amount of time <br />he has spent as a councilman working for the people in his district and the small amount of pay h <br />receives for his services. Ms. Patton indicated that she and her staff were not complaining abou <br />the amount of time spent in handling the cases; she merely wanted to cover all the aspects of the <br />commission and the case loads and complaints in order to keep the Council informed of the <br />activities of the commission. Councilman Kopczynski indicated that he was keeping a log of many <br />things he did as a councilman. He felt a councilman's salary should be around $20,000 a year if <br />it was compared to the other positions within the city. Councilman Miller stated that the report <br />prepared by Ms. Patton and her staff was very excellent, in his opinion, and he congratulated Ms. <br />Patton on her report. Council President Parent also congratulated Ms. Patton and thanked her for <br />her presentation. <br />PETITIONS <br />I (We), the undersigned, do hereby respectfully make application and petition <br />the Common Council of the City of South Bend, Indiana, to amend the Zoning Ordinance <br />of the City of South Bend as hereinafter requested, and in support of this applica- <br />tion, the following facts are shown: <br />1. The property sought to be rezoned is located on the south side of <br />Ireland Road east of and contiguous to the Montgomery Ward and Scottsdale Mall <br />property. <br />2. The property is owned by Place and Company, Inc., who have contracted with <br />Tower Federal Savings & Loan Association of South Bend to sell same to it provided <br />the rezoning herein requested is granted. <br />3. A legal description of the property is as follows: <br />A tract of land situated in the Southwest Quarter of Section 30, <br />Township 37 North, Range 3 East, St. Joseph County, Indiana, described <br />as follows, viz: <br />Beginning at a point on a line that bears South 89 degrees 55 minutes <br />20 seconds East 1649.98 feet East from the West Quarter Section Corner <br />of Section 30, Township 37 North, Range 3 East; thence 89 degrees 55 <br />minutes 20 seconds East 200 feet to the Northerly projection of the <br />Western boundary of the Plat of Scottsdale Addition, Section "A ", as <br />recorded in the Office of the Recorder of St. Joseph County, Indiana; <br />thence South 00 degrees, 00 minutes, 24 seconds West along said Western <br />boundary 230 feet; thence North 89 degrees 55 minutes 20 seconds West <br />199.99 feet; thence North 00 degrees 04 minutes 40 seconds East 230.00 <br />feet to the place of beginning, containing 1,06 acres, more or less. <br />4. It is desired and requested that the foregoing property be rezoned from <br />C -2 Use and Height and Area District, to C -1 Use and G- ,,Height and Area District. <br />