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REGULAR MEETING <br />JULY 8, 1985 <br />Council Member Zakrzewski. The motion carried. Council Member Beck made a motion <br />to recommend this bill to the Council favorable, as amended, seconded by Council <br />Member Zakrzewski. The motion carried. <br />BILL NO. 71 -85 <br />A BILL AMENDING CHAPTER 2, ARTICLE 2 OF THE SOUTH BEND MUNICIPAL <br />CODE, ENTITLED DEPUTY MAYOR. <br />This being the time heretofore set for public hearing on the above bill, proponents <br />and opponents were given an opportunity to be heard. Michael Vance, Controller, <br />made the presentation for the bill. He indicated this bill was an attempt to <br />substitute the Deputy Mayor position for the Mayor's Administrative Assistant <br />position. He indicated this amendment to the ordinance establishes the Deputy Mayor <br />position and clarifies the responsibilities and functions of that position. He <br />indicated that a full -time Deputy Mayor will also enhance City representation at <br />numerous public functions, professional meetings, etc. Irene Mutzl, 320 Parkovash, <br />spoke against this bill. Council Member Beck made a motion to recommend this bill <br />to the Council favorable, seconded by Council Member Puzzello. The motion carried <br />on a roll call vote of seven ayes and two nays (Council Members Crone and Voorde.) <br />BILL NO. 72 -85 <br />A BILL AMENDING ORDINANCES NO. 7358 -84 AND 7359 -84 TO PROVIDE FOR <br />SALARY ADJUSTMENTS TO CERTAIN POSITIONS OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND <br />POLICE AND FIRE DEPARTMENTS FOR THE CALENDAR YEAR 1986. <br />This being the time heretofore set for public hearing on the above bill, proponents <br />and opponents were given an opportunity to be heard. Michael Vance, Controller, <br />made the presentation for the bill. Council Member Beck made a motion to accept the <br />substitute bill on file with the City Clerk, seconded by Council Member Crone. The <br />motion carried. He indicated that the Board of Public Safety has been looking at <br />the salaries of management personnel of the Police and Fire Departments, as compared <br />to other administrative positions with the City and similar departments located in <br />the Midwest. He indicated this amendment to the salary ordinance reflexes their <br />recommendations. George Herendeen, attorney for the FOP, spoke against this bill. <br />Douglas Parmley, President of Local 362, Firefighters Union, read the following <br />letter: <br />Beverly Beck, President <br />South Bend Common Council <br />South Bend, Indiana <br />Dear Mrs. Beck: <br />As president of the Firefighter's Union Local 3362, I would take this opportunity to <br />remind you that, during wage negotiations between the city and the firefighters, you <br />as Council president made the following remarks to the wage committee, as well as to <br />myself. <br />One comment was that, if there were money made available at a later date, you would <br />be willing to re -open the wage agreement with us and renegotiate. <br />Another item stated not only by yourself but, also by Mr. Vance and Hartzer was that <br />of a promise that no one else, would receive a higher percentage increase than us or <br />the police officers. <br />There were some other indications that the City, was in a sort of financial <br />difficulty and we were mislead into believing that our small increase in wages was <br />in connection with these problems. In an effort to be fair and compromising, we <br />accepted your sincere plea for passage of the new wage agreement. <br />We now are able to see that you along with other members of the administration have <br />lied to not only us but to the entire population of our great city. This, in the <br />way of the substantial raises already given to a selected few as well as raises <br />intended for heads of their departments and their assistants. <br />We, are not against your reasoning for these raises but, the same reasoning should <br />have been used when we presented our wage package to you during negotiations of <br />past. We tried to explain similar reasoning to you and the other members of the <br />administration but it evidentially fell on deaf ears or those ears of people who <br />just didn't care about the lower ranked employees of the administration. <br />At the time, reminding you of your indications to re -open our wage agreement if <br />money became available, we are requesting a meeting to do that as quickly as <br />possible. In doing this, you would be showing your sincerity in your past comments <br />to us. <br />Sincerely, <br />Douglas Parmley, President <br />Local #362, Firefighters <br />Ralph Johnson, 734 N. Cushing, spoke against this bill. Council Member Voorde <br />indicated that since 5% additional monies will be coming to the City next year, he <br />thought these raises should be within that figure. He made a motion to restrict the <br />raises to 50, and have the Controller compute these figures and come back July 22 <br />and pass the raises at that level, seconded by Council Member Zakrzewski. Council <br />Member Voorde amended his motion; working with monies available to us continue this <br />bill until July 22 and renegotiate within those limits, seconded by Council Member <br />