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WHEREAS, in its Resolution No. 818 the Commission also adopted the South Bend <br />Central Relocation Policy as applicable to relocation in the Area and established <br />the West Washington Chapin Allocation Area (South Bend Allocation Area No. 7) as an <br />allocation area in the Area for purposes of tax incremental financing; and <br />WHEREAS, the Common Council is cognizant of the conditions that are imposed <br />under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended, providing that no person <br />shall, on the grounds of race, age, sex, color, religion, or national origin, be <br />excluded from participation in or be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to <br />discrimination in the undertaking and carrying out of any federally- assisted <br />project. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the South Bend Common Council, as follows: <br />Section 1. The order of the Area Plan Commission of St. Joseph County, pursuant <br />to its Resolution No. 96, attached hereto as Exhibit B and made a part hereof, is in <br />all respects approved. <br />Section 2. The Common Council hereby finds and determines that there is a <br />substantial presence of factors such as excessive vacant land on which structures <br />were previously located, abandoned or vacant buildings, old buildings, excessive <br />vacancies, substandard structures and delinquency in payment of real property taxes <br />in the Area. <br />Section 3. The Common Council hereby finds and determines, based upon the <br />aforementioned evidence consisting of the maps and plats of the Area and findings of <br />fact now submitted to it, that the Area, which has been found by the Commission to <br />be blighted, is blighted to an extent that cannot be corrected by regulatory <br />processes or by the ordinary operation of private enterprise without resort to the <br />Act and that the public health and welfare will be benefited by the acquisition and <br />redevelopment of the Area under the Act. <br />Section 4. The Common Council hereby finds that the Area is a menace to the <br />social and economic interest of the City and its inhabitants, and it will be of <br />public utility and benefit to acquire and redevelop the Area under the Act. <br />Section 5. The Common Council hereby finds and determines that the objectives <br />of the Development Plan cannot be achieved through more extensive rehabilitation of <br />the Area. <br />Section 6. The Common Council hereby finds and determines that the Area <br />consists of two hundred twenty (220) acres and is contiguous and compact. <br />Section 7. To the extent that qualified redevelopment bonds under Section <br />144(c) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 are issued to pay for all or a part of <br />the redevelopment within the Area, the use of proceeds of such bond issues shall be <br />limited as required by Section 144(c), and no use of the property within the Area <br />shall be allowed which use would be prohibited by Section 144(c). <br />Section 8. The Common Council hereby finds and determines that South Bend <br />Redevelopment Commission Resolution No. 818 and the Development Plan are in all <br />respects approved and adopted and directs the City Clerk to file certified copies <br />thereof with the minutes of this meeting. <br />Section 9. The Common Council hereby recognizes the need for considering the <br />views of the residents, taxpayers, and merchants of the Area in the redevelopment of <br />the Area. <br />Section 10. The Common Council hereby assures the United States of America of <br />full compliance by the City with the provisions of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act <br />of 1964, as amended, and the regulations of the Department of Housing and Urban <br />Development effectuating that title. <br />Section 11. This resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after <br />its adoption by the Common Council and approval by the Mayor. <br />/s/ Joseph T. Serge <br />Member of the South Bend Common Council <br />A public hearing was held on the resolution at this time. Council Member Zakrzewski <br />made a motion to add exhibit A as part of this resolution, seconded by Council <br />Member Braboy. The motion carried. David Norris, Economic Development, indicated <br />this plan is the result of over a year of discussions between residents and business <br />people of the neighborhood and representatives of the City and the Redevelopment <br />Commission. He indicated this represents a general concept for the development and <br />revitalization of the West Washington- Chapin Development Area and is the initial <br />step in the development of a Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan for the area. He <br />indicated the Plan will include a market study examining the feasibility of <br />commercial development along West Washing and South Chapin Streets. He indicated it <br />will also survey the condition of neighborhood streets, traffic signs and lighting, <br />