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SECTION V. The Common Council hereby determines that the property owner is <br />qualified for and is granted property tax deduction for a period of five (5) years. <br />SECTION VI. The Common Council directs the City Clerk to cause notice of the <br />adoption of this Declaratory Resolution to be published pursuant to Indiana Code <br />5 -3 -1, said publication providing notice of the public hearing before the Common <br />Council on said declaration. <br />SECTION VII. This resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after <br />its adoption by the Common Council and approval by the Mayor. <br />/s/ Ann Puzzello <br />Member of the Common Council <br />A public hearing was held on the resolution at this time. Council Member Kelly <br />reported that the Community and Economic Development Committee had met on this <br />resolution and recommended it to the Council favorable. Ernest Szarwark, attorney, <br />made the presentation for the resolution. He indicated <br />the previous resolution represented the real property, and this resolution was for <br />the personal property needed in the expansion. He indicated they were purchasing <br />overhead cranes and equipment to process steel coils, at an approximate cost of <br />$535,000, as well as ten additional tractor trailers to handle the extra <br />production. Council Member Slavinskas made a motion to adopt this resolution, <br />seconded by Council Member Zakrzewski. The resolution was adopted by a roll call <br />vote of nine ayes. <br />RESOLUTION NO. 2152 -94 A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH <br />BEND, DESIGNATING CERTAIN AREAS WITHIN THE CITY OF SOUTH <br />BEND COMMONLY KNOWN AS 5307 W. WESTERN, SOUTH BEND, <br />INDIANA, AN ECONOMIC REVITALIZATION AREA FOR PURPOSES OF <br />A THREE YEAR REAL PROPERTY TAX ABATEMENT FOR RGF, INC. <br />WHEREAS, a petition for real property tax abatement has been filed with the <br />City Clerk for consideration by the Common Council of the City of South Bend, <br />Indiana requesting that the area commonly known as 5307 W. Western, South Bend, <br />Indiana, and which is more particularly described as follows: <br />A tract of land located in the Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of <br />Section 8, Township 37 North, Range 2 East, in the City of South Bend, more <br />particularly described as follows: Beginning on the East line of Mayflower <br />Road at a point 195.19 feet on an assumed bearing of North 0 degrees 9'15" <br />East, and 40 feet South 89 degrees 50'45" East of the Southwest corner of <br />said Northeast quarter of Section 8; thence North 0 degrees 9'15" East along <br />said East line of Mayflower Road, 115 feet; thence South 89 degrees 50'45" <br />East, 243.1 feet; thence South 0 degrees 9'15" West 192.05 feet to the North <br />line of Western Avenue; thence North 89 degrees 21'45" West, 150 feet; thence <br />North 50 degrees 41'15" West, 120.04 feet to the place of beginning. <br />and which has Key Number 18 4129- 504307 be designated as an Economic Revitalization <br />Area under the provisions of Indiana Code 6 -1.1- 12.1 -1 et. seq. and South Bend <br />Municipal Code Sections 2 -76 Et Seq. <br />Whereas, the Department of Economic Development has concluded an investigation <br />and prepared a report with information sufficient for the Common Council to <br />determine that the area qualifies as an Economic Revitalization Area under Indiana <br />Code 6 -1.1- 12.1 -1, et seq., and South Bend Municipal Code Sections 2 -76, et seq., <br />and has further prepared maps and plats showing the boundaries and such other <br />information regarding the area in question as required by law; and <br />Whereas, the Human Resources and Economic Development Committee of the Common <br />Council has reviewed said report and recommended to the Common Council that the <br />area qualifies as an Economic Revitalization Area. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Common Council of the City of South <br />Bend, Indiana, as follows: <br />SECTION I. The Common Council hereby determines and finds that the Petition <br />for Real Property Tax Abatement and the Statement of Benefits form completed by the <br />Petitioner meet the requirements of Indiana Code 6 -1.1- 12.1 -1 et seq., and <br />qualifies under the relevant provisions of South Bend Municipal Code Sections 2 -76 <br />et seq., for tax abatement. <br />A. That the description of the proposed redevelopment or rehabilitation <br />meets the applicable standards for such development. <br />B. That the estimate of the value of the redevelopment or rehabilitation is <br />reasonable for projects of this nature; <br />C: That the estimate of the number of individuals who will be employed or <br />whose employment will be retained by the Petitioner can reasonably be <br />expected to result from the proposed described redevelopment or <br />rehabilitation; <br />E. That the other benefits about which information was requested are <br />