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REGULAR MEETING MAY 28, 1996 <br />to the right of way of the New York Central Railroad <br />Company. <br />All that part of the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest <br />Quarter of Section 15, Township 37 North Range 2 East, <br />described as follows: Beginning at a point 260 feet South <br />and 330 feet West of the Northeast corner of the said <br />Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter; thence West <br />996.08 feet to the West line of said section; thence South <br />498.35 feet to the North line of the right of way of the <br />Indiana Northern Railway Company; thence Easterly along the <br />said Northerly line of said Indiana Northern Railway Company <br />a distance of 996.08 feet, more or less, to a point on the <br />Northerly line of the said Indiana Northern Railway Company <br />South of the place of beginning; thence North of the place <br />of beginning. <br />A tract of land in the West Half (h) of the Northwest <br />Quarter (1/4) of Section Fifteen (15), Township Thirty -seven <br />(37) North, Range Two (2) East, now within and a part of the <br />City of South Bend, St. Joseph County, Indiana, more <br />particularly described as follows: <br />Beginning at the center of the Northwest Quarter (1/4) of <br />said Section Fifteen (15); thence South along the North and <br />South center line of said Quarter Section Two Hundred Twenty <br />(220) feet to the North line of Tucker Drive; thence West <br />along said north line to the West line of said Section <br />Fifteen (15); thence North along said west line One Hundred <br />twenty -eight and One Tenth (128.1) feet, more or less, to a <br />line Two Hundred Fifty (250) feet by rectangular measurement <br />Southeasterly from the parallel to the original centerline <br />of the New York Central-Railroad right of way; thence <br />northeasterly parallel to and Two Hundred Fifty (250) feet <br />by rectangular measurement Southeasterly from said original <br />Centerline of the New York Central Railroad right of way, <br />Seven Hundred Twenty -seven and One - Hundredth (272.01) feet, <br />more or less, to a point on the East line of the Southwest <br />Quarter (1/4) of the Northwest Quarter (1/4) of the <br />Northwest Quarter (1/4) of Section Fifteen (15); thence East <br />along said South line Six Hundred Sixty -three and Fifty -two <br />Hundredths (663.52) feet, more or less, to the place of <br />beginning, excepting Thirty (30) feet off the East side <br />thereof for purposes of a public highway. <br />A part of the southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of <br />Section 15, Township 37 North, Range 2 East in the City of <br />South Bend, Indiana more particularly described as follows: <br />Beginning at a point 260 feet South and 25 feet West of the <br />Northeast corner of said Southwest Quarter of the Northwest <br />Quarter; thence West 540 feet; thence South parallel with <br />the East line of said Southwest Quarter of the right of way <br />of the Indiana Northern Railway Company; thence East <br />parallel with said North line of said right of way, 540 <br />feet; thence North parallel with the East line of said <br />Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter, 320.75 feet to <br />the place of beginning. <br />All being within the City of South Bend, County of St. Joseph, <br />State of Indiana. <br />and this property has Key Numbers 18 8006 0288, 18 8002 0115, 18 <br />8006 0282, 18 8006 028201, 18 8006 0285, 18 8006 028501, 18 8002 <br />0116, be designated as an Economic Revitalization Area under the <br />provisions of Indiana Code 6 -1,1- 12.1 -1 et sea., and South Bend <br />Municipal Code Section 2 -76 et seq.; and. <br />WHEREAS, the Department of Economic Development has <br />