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REGULAR MEETING <br />AUGUST 23, 1999 <br />Mr. Nowak stated that in 1981 the proposed alley to be vacated was paved at the expense of the <br />property owners. The Zahoiran Funeral Home has since repaved and resealed the alley and have <br />noticed an increase in traffic utilizing the alley. In 1993, in response to ADA requirements, <br />handicapped parking was added. Mr. Nowak stated that their number one priority is safety. If this <br />alley is closed, gates will be installed which will be retractable for trash removal and activities at the <br />funeral home. He noted that property owners will have access when that gate is open. In conclusion, <br />Mr. Nowak stated that they have no objections to the requirement to provide easements. <br />This being the time heretofore set for the Public Hearing on the above bill, proponents and <br />opponents were given an opportunity to be heard. <br />There was no one present wishing to address the Council in support of this bill. <br />Ms. Bridget Fordsmith, Mishawaka, Indiana, informed the Council that she has a question on behalf <br />of her grandmother who lives at 919 West Calvert Street. Ms. Fordsmith inquired how often the gate <br />would be in position as they park by their grandmother's garage which is off of this alley. She also <br />inquired if they would be able to open the gate or would just the funeral home have access. <br />Ms. Maureen Wojciechowski, 204 West IOth Street, Mishawaka, informed the Council that she is <br />the daughter -in -law of Mrs. Cecelia Wojciechowski who resides at 919 West Calvert Street. She <br />stated that the family is not opposed to the alley closing but noted that it will pose an inconvenience <br />to family members due to the fact that her mother -in -law's garage faces the alley. Ms. <br />Wojciechowski stated that her telephone calls to district Councilmember Ujdak concerning this <br />matter were not returned. In conclusion, she stated that this alley closing will make it inconvenient <br />for the family and inquired what will their access be when it is closed. <br />Mr. Mike Shobrgh, 1119 Park Street SW, Grand Rapids, Michigan, informed the Council that he is <br />the son -in -law of Mrs. Wojciechowski, inquired if the installation of the gate was going to be for the <br />business or personal use of the funeral home. He noted that when relatives visit the best access is <br />from Kemble Street. He stated that his concern is whether the gate will be open for holidays and <br />parties. He noted that he doesn't believe that will be the case and they will be denied access because <br />of the fence. <br />Mr. William T. Ford, no address given, also a son -in -law of Mrs. Wojciechowski stated that when <br />the neighbors have parties they end up throwing balls in his mother -in -law's yard and that is the <br />main reason they want the alley closed off. He stated that they need to be able to get to their mother - <br />in -law's and the alley is not a playground. <br />In response to the concerns raised above, Mr. Nowak stated that the gate will be open during <br />business hours 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and in the evening when the funeral home has visitations. <br />When there are no visitations, it will be locked and only the funeral home will have the ability to <br />open the gates. He noted that there is full access off of Calvert Street and the gate is no where in the <br />vicinity of Mrs. Wojciechowski's property as it will be further north. <br />President Coleman stated that as a point of clarification he wanted to note that family members of <br />Mrs. Wojciechowski were present at the Public Works and Property Vacation Committee meeting <br />this afternoon and they participated in the process of agreeing to the easements. <br />Councilmember Varner, Chairperson of the Public Works and Property Vacation Committee, noted <br />that a son -in -law from Ohio and a daughter and her husband, as well as Mrs. Woj ciechowski and Mr. <br />Nowak were present at the committee meeting and at that time there was an agreement reached <br />which seemed to satisfy all parties which addressed their concerns about access from both directions <br />as well as security. <br />Council Attorney Kathleen Cekanski - Farrand indicated that her notes reflect that the members of <br />the Wojciechowski family present at the afternoon committee meeting were Mary Jane Kline, Tom <br />Wojciechowski, John Kline and Cecelia Wojciechowski. These individuals were satisfied that Mrs. <br />Wojciechowski's interests were addressed. <br />