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REGULAR MEETING JULY 9, 2001 <br />Mr. Richard R. Heisman, 3512 Northside Boulevard, South Bend, Indiana, stated that he attended <br />a conference of neighborhood associations at IUSB on June 16 'h and has signed a zero tolerance <br />pledge. He noted that big crime starts with small crime and the key to eliminating crime is to <br />tolerate no crime at all. Mr. Heisman advised that he will phone the police when he sees violations. <br />He explained an ongoing problem with fireworks and advised that he called the police and was told <br />that they could not do anything. He was told that the noise ordinance could not be enforced because <br />no one will sign a complaint. He noted that he will continue to support the police and they need <br />more recognition in their work either in pay or other ways. <br />Councilmember Kirsits advised Mr. Heisman that his issue was taken up at a meeting with the <br />neighborhood resources technical group. Fire Chief Bert Prawat, Prevention Bureau, as well as the <br />Police Chief, the Prosecutor, State Fire Marshall, and the State Attorney General's office were all <br />contacted to see what could be done. Unfortunately, the state law is written with very strange <br />language and they were advised that the rank and file police officer on the street will not be able to <br />make an arrest unless someone gets injured. If someone is hurt, the person causing that injury will <br />be arrested. Councilmember Kirsits noted that a portion of the fee from fireworks sold goes to the <br />State Fire Marshall's budget. It is hoped that in the next legislative session a stronger law to ban <br />the sale of fireworks in the State of Indiana will be considered. Mr. Heisman responded that <br />representatives from the various governments should work together. He noted that it has to be <br />started at a local level with perhaps a town meeting where the citizens can voice their opinions and <br />the problems that the police and fire departments are having. <br />Mr. Kevin Andert, 21444 Leeper Road, Lakeville, Indiana, informed the Council that he has been <br />a police officer for twenty -four (24) years for the City of South Bend. Through those years police <br />officers have not been getting equal fair pay that other cities receive. The one thing that has changed <br />is that citizens are more aware of police officers because they are in the schools, on the streets and <br />meeting people. Most officers know many people on their beat and these people are tax paying <br />citizens that now like and enjoy the police and those people vote. <br />Mrs. Nancy Andert, 21444 Leeper Road, Lakeville, Indiana, stated that her issue is that she married <br />a police officer twenty -four (24) years ago. He liked working for the city. His father before him was <br />a sergeant on the police department and his father before him was the Chief on the Fire Department. <br />They now have a son over the age of twenty -one (2 1) and do not want to tell him that if he wants to <br />do community service like that to go to another community where he wouldn't have to work so hard <br />so that he would have time for his family. Mrs. Andert noted that she and her husband were willing <br />to do that for their kids but they don't want to see their son have to work two (2) jobs. <br />ADJOURNMENT <br />There being no further business to come before the Council, President Pfeifer adjourned the meeting <br />at 8:25 p.m. <br />ATTEST: <br />Loretta J. , City <br />ATTEST: <br />Charlotte Pfeifer, President <br />