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REGULAR MEETING JULY 9, 2001 <br />stated that he is also a former member of the South Bend Common Council and he knows that it is <br />law in the State of Indiana that the South Bend Common Council set the pay for the Police and Fire <br />Departments and not the Mayor's office. He stated that he knows that there is money that can be <br />given to these departments. The money that is available cannot be spent on salaries but it can relieve <br />other purchases so those monies can be used for salaries for public safety. He urged the Council to <br />do their job and give the Police Department a fair and living wage. <br />Mr. Howard Goodhew, Goodhew Drive, High Points Estates and also 1535 South Main Street, South <br />Bend, Indiana, indicated that he has been involved in many initiatives begun by the City to support <br />the Police Department. He noted that the issue of equitable salaries for the Police Department has <br />degenerated into a bitter battle between the City and the officers. He noted that he is not prepared <br />to validate or discuss the financial figures presented by both sides because he is not familiar with <br />the total budgets under consideration. However, it is his understanding that a final offer has not been <br />made by the City. The only solution is to examine and set priorities for funds available to operate <br />all departments. He encouraged the Council to continue negotiations in good faith and reach an <br />equitable solution with the understanding that some adjustments will be needed to accomplish that. <br />He further noted that the City needs experienced police officers and should protect their retirement <br />benefits because they are not eligible for Social Security benefits when they retire. <br />Ms. Joyce Boaler, 1606 Hillsdale Road, South Bend, Indiana, noted that Councilmembers receive <br />fifteen thousand four hundred ninety -five dollars ($15,495.00) annually plus benefits and retired <br />police officers receive sixteen thousand dollars ($16,000.00) and no Social Security benefits. Ms. <br />Boaler noted that the City and the Council employ nine (9) attorneys at a cost of three hundred sixty - <br />seven thousand one hundred sixty -six dollars ($367,166.00). Many question their lack of ability <br />when the Mayor hired an Indianapolis negotiations lawyer for twenty thousand dollars ($20,000.00) <br />plus apossible ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00) in expenses. Ms. Boaler stated that the total Police <br />force should resign and then the Mayor could deputize his own police force consisting of all assistant <br />mayors, all Councilmembers, all lawyers and all Baker and Daniels employees and these people <br />should receive a beginning patrolman's pay. In conclusion, she stated that the police force deserves <br />a huge increase in pay and the retirement scale. The fiscal and moral responsibility of the Mayor and <br />the Council demand nothing less. <br />Mr. Paul Retek, Coordinator of the Countryside Neighborhood Watch Group, 1001 Mayflower, Lot <br />116, South Bend, Indiana, stated that he has the honor of working with the South Bend police who <br />are the best in the State of Indiana. He is proud of what they have achieved to reduce crime in <br />Countryside Village. He asked the Council to negotiate in good faith and do the right thing. <br />Mr. Rick Bishop, Lieutenant, South Bend Police Department, residing at 17413 Skyline Drive, South <br />Bend, Indiana, noted that the entire community is now aware that the wage negotiations have <br />reached a near impasse and the entire blame for this situation lies at the feet of this Council and <br />Mayor Luecke. He noted that the police wages were behind in the 1980's and remain so. The same <br />administrators have known about police salary problems for a decade or more and it appears to be <br />no more important now than it was then. The numbers that the City promotes at this point in the <br />proceedings are not going to make it, assuring more years of running behind the majority of cities <br />in the state. He further noted that some individuals offer a good deal of private support for their <br />position and the usual comments in public during election cycles but not at crunch time when it <br />matters. Mr. Bishop stated that the first class patrolman salary is important to them so they can <br />continue to bring exceptional police officers to the department. It is also important to them because <br />no matter what rank is obtained or how much overtime is worked, every officer's retirement income <br />is based on the first class patrolman's salary. They have been told that the retirees are a drain on the <br />finances. The wage committee has promised the membership that they will do everything in their <br />power to get them a well deserved raise and the Council's support is needed for that. <br />Mr. Jerry Christensen, Vice - President, Bowne of South Bend, Inc., 5021 F. Jay Nimtz Parkway, <br />South Bend, Indiana, stated that the salary ranking one hundred nine (109) out of one hundred <br />thirty -five (135) in the state is not fair. He stated that if he treated the people that work at the plant <br />with the wages that were one hundred nine (109) out of one hundred thirty five (13 5) they would not <br />be in business. He asked the Council to be fair, to listen to the police officers and do what they can. <br />