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REGULAR MEETING <br />MARCH 26, 2001 <br />closing not only is there going to be increased traffic on Wall Street but the speed of the traffic on <br />Wall Street is going to be worse. Ms. Tucker noted that not enough study has been done on the <br />impact of the neighborhood with the traffic flow and speed and safety of the children and the <br />residents. Someone needs to think about reducing the volume of traffic on Wall Street and put that <br />extra parking on Mishawaka Avenue. <br />Ms. Phyllis Fields, 1715 Wall Street, South Bend, Indiana, informed the Council that she lives on <br />Wall Street and the-traffic is bad especially when the students are getting out of school. She stated <br />that with them taking the green space they could have at least kept the football field across from the <br />residential area instead of a concrete parking lot and tennis court. She noted that the football field <br />is being put on Mishawaka Avenue. <br />There was no one else from the public wishing to speak on this matter. <br />Mr. Fred Stump declined the opportunity for rebuttal stating that he believes they have stated their <br />side well. <br />During the Council portion, Councilmember Kelly thanked everyone present this evening presenting <br />their views pro and con. As with any controversial matter, a good exchange of ideas is important. <br />He noted that the planning of this project has been going on for many months and in fact there have <br />been quite a few versions of the plan and any number of community meetings in which people have <br />been asked to provide input. As with any compromise, some changes have to be made. As pointed <br />out earlier, the school corporation in its initial request wanted much more park land which the City <br />did not agree to but instead did compromise and offer a small portion of Potawatomi Park for this <br />project. Everyone agrees that Adams High School should be expanded and become a good high <br />school for the twenty -first century and some changes have to be made in the neighborhood to <br />accomplish that. Adams High School has been a great school for sixty -one (61) years and the <br />community wants it to continue that way as it is a benefit to the community and the neighborhood. <br />Councilmember Kelly stated that he favors this plan and thinks it's a good compromise. It is not <br />pleasing to everyone but works well. <br />Councilmember Kelly made a motion that this bill go to the full Council with a favorable <br />recommendation as amended. Councilmember Coleman seconded the motion. <br />Councilmember Pfeifer stated that she supports Adams High School which needs to be upgraded. <br />She noted that it has been said that the Council needs to focus on the vacation of Greenlawn but <br />believes that there is more to look at as the Council should not make decisions in isolation. They <br />need to look at the overall plan as fifty million dollars should not be spent anywhere without a <br />complete plan. More time is needed. Councilmember Pfeifer stated that there are very few areas <br />in our community like Potawatomi Park, which is abeautiful, gorgeous park, and she feels strongly <br />about taking any part of this park. She noted that at one time there was a plan that placed the track <br />on site without the vacation of Greenlawn. She stated that she is not able to vote at this time for this <br />plan as it is expensive and not enough study has been done. <br />Councilmember Coleman stated that his concerns are the future use of the City's park land. He <br />stated that he would not be supportive of this action if he felt that the City were giving up control <br />of the adjoining park land in order to make this plan work. The sharing of the facilities will benefit <br />both the City and the school corporation. Councilmember Coleman stated that he believes it is <br />important to keep the students on site for as many athletic activities as possible and that that is a <br />sound reason for giving consideration to the vacation of the street. He did note that the location of <br />the basketball courts need to be reconsidered for the sake of the neighbors to the north. They should <br />be placed so that they do not become an incompatible use with the neighbors that are in the <br />immediate area. The Council's involvement in this process does end where the school board's <br />jurisdiction begins. The City and the school corporation have attempted to work cooperatively on <br />this effort and the public should know that it has not been without a fair amount of lively exchange <br />to consider the future of Adams and the school corporation's request of the City. He noted that he <br />believes that this plan does serve the corporation in fulfilling its mission with regard to Adams High <br />school and he supports the plan. <br />111: <br />11' <br />