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REGULAR MEETING MARCH 26.2001 <br />Twyckenham. Ms. Harrington stated that she personally is opposed to the renovation plan as it is <br />ill planned, costly and disruptive. Ms. Harrington informed the Council that they all received a copy <br />of her letter concerning the park and she is against giving away park land. She is for green space and <br />is against specializing any of the remaining green space at the park. The unspecialized green space <br />at the park is a wonderful open multi - functional area and is used for many activities. The park is <br />for all the citizens of the South Bend community. Ms. Harrington further stated that walkway <br />security is a concern of hers and she also inquired who will plow it in the winter. <br />Mr. Bob Rowland, 629 East Riverside, South Bend, Indiana, spoke in regards to the land use study <br />by the school corporation. He also reviewed the amount of money that will be spent on athletics and <br />for academics which include a new cafeteria, an auditorium and in- school detention areas. He stated <br />that there is no academic improvement. Mr. Rowland stated that deciding on the Adams expansion <br />is immature and that the long term use of the building must be looked at. When that is known they <br />can quickly undertake a logical land use plan with alternatives. <br />Ms. Diane Gleason Wright, 1540 Hoover Avenue, South Bend, Indiana, indicated that she is <br />opposed to this vacation and the use of space at Potawatomi Park. She stated that Potawatomi Park <br />is a valuable open space which enhances the lives of all the residents of South Bend and not just the <br />neighborhood and it should be protected and not given away. Open space that currently exists at the <br />park should be preserved for the expansion of current park functions such as Kids Kingdom, the <br />Conservatory, the zoo and for open space in general. Giving over one half (' /z) acre of land for a <br />track and football field and the sharing of even more space, contributes to the eradication of any open <br />space that is in the park. The sharing aspect indicates that everyone wins. According to her <br />understanding of the Memorandum of Understanding with the Park Department the school has <br />priority over the general public. The school will be using the space at the same time the public will <br />want to use them. The concept of sharing is well and good but the reality is one in which the <br />taxpayers and the citizens of South Bend are unable to utilize the facilities when they most need <br />them. Ms. Wright stated that she wholeheartedly supports the improvement of the school and <br />doesn't want her opposition to the closing of Greenlawn to be construed as opposition to the <br />renovation of the high school. She stated that the closing is not necessary and is not necessary to <br />achieve academic improvements. <br />Mr. Phil Suphal, 1232 Oakland Street, #16, South Bend, Indiana, stated that he has been following <br />this issue and has been to a couple of meetings. He stated that he disagrees with the statement that <br />there has been plenty of notice for this particular proposal. He further noted that he does not wish <br />to speak to whether facilities are needed or the benefits of athletic facilities or whether Adams should <br />be renovated but wants to speak to the proposal that Greenlawn be closed. Mr. Suphal stated that <br />he lives in the area and is concerned about the traffic issue that he did not hear addressed at the one <br />meeting that was held at the high school. The traffic on Mishawaka Avenue will increase greatly <br />even though there is a pedestrian crossing and the speed of the traffic in front of IUSB will increase. <br />All streets between Twyckenham and Greenlawn which are residential that are not currently being <br />used as shortcuts will be used especially when traffic ties up at Twyckenham and Jefferson. He <br />noted that a lot of people coming to IUSB or the park don't know the area and with this closing it <br />will hinder someone getting back to the park or wherever they intended to go in the area. He stated <br />that the Council should not vote on this matter today but should close that section of Greenlawn for <br />a short period of time to see how people adjust and what happens. Mr. Suphal also wanted some <br />extra assurances that people will be welcome to use the share facilities and asked how residents <br />would know when they could use those facilities. <br />Ms. Doris Tucker, 1213 South 32nd Street, South Bend, Indiana, informed the Council that this <br />prof ect has been fast tracked and not given the proper study and impact on the neighborhood and the <br />whole City and surrounding areas. Ms. Tucker noted that she uses Greenlawn a lot because her <br />mother lives on Wall Street. One of the problems they have experienced was snow removal and she <br />is concerned what closing Greenlawn is going to do to snow removal. The traffic volume and flow <br />currently on Wall Street has not had sufficient study. The traffic flow right now is bad and in the <br />afternoon when the students are getting out of school it is extremely difficult to try to get into her <br />mother's driveway. She asked what it will be like when the amount of traffic is tripled because of <br />the parking on Wall Street. The closing of a portion of Greenlawn takes away the parking on <br />Greenlawn, taking away that access for people to flow in and around a public space. With the <br />