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REGULAR MEETING NOVEMBER 8,2004 <br /> area. Area D is designated for a maximum of 36 dwelling units and a health care facility <br /> with a maximum of 60 beds. Area D will have a minimum of 30% open space. Area E is <br /> designated for garden apartments (maximum of 3 stories and 237 units), a health care <br /> facility with a maximum of 60 bends care provider uses not to exceed 10% of the land <br /> area, office and professional services, and services such as fitness centers, a bakery, <br /> chapel, meeting rooms, bank, post office, and several other uses. The services <br /> component of Area E will not exceed 20% of the floor area of the residential and health <br /> care floor space. The services will be open to the public. The petitioner has also stated <br /> the following standards will be adhered to: no buildings will be closer than 25' feet from <br /> the public streets or perimeter boundaries, and parking no closer than 25' from the public <br /> streets and 10' from the boundaries. Landscaping will comply with the Landscaping <br /> Section of the Zoning Ordinance, except that Residential Bufferyards will be Type A- <br /> Open Landscaping. Lighting will comply with the Zoning Ordinance. The signs for <br /> Area E will comply with the Zoning Ordinance for an integrated center in the "LB" Local <br /> Business District. Signs for the non-residential uses in Areas B and C will comply with <br /> the requirements for the "OB" Office Buffer District. In 1988 the site was rezoned under <br /> the old zoning ordinance to "A-1" Single and Two family Residential and `B" Multi- <br /> family Residential for a retirement village and retirement homes. Both Miami and Kern <br /> Roads are two lane roads with accel/decal lanes at the current entrances of this <br /> development. The main entrance for this project will be from Miami, although secondary <br /> access can be obtained from Kern Road through the existing development. The existing <br /> interior roads are designed to be residential streets with sidewalks. The existing health <br /> care facility has a separate entrance from the rest of the current development. Miami and <br /> Kern Roads may experience higher levels of traffic due to this new development. This <br /> development will be serviced by municipal water and sewer from South Bend. The most <br /> desirable uses for this property are those that are consistent and compatible with the <br /> adjacent health care and assisted living facility. The impact on the surrounding property <br /> values should be minimal. Based on information available prior to the public hearing the <br /> staff recommends that this petition be sent to the Common Council with a favorable <br /> recommendation, subject to a final site plan. <br /> John Leszczynski, 1525 Riding Mall, South Bend, Indiana made the presentation for the <br /> petitioner SFULDI and Southfield Village, Inc. <br /> Mr. Leszczynski advised that the property sought to be rezoned is located at Miami <br /> Highway and Ridge Trail. The petitioner is requesting a zone change from"MF1" Urban <br /> Corridor Multi-Family to "PUD"Planned Unit Development to allow multi-family <br /> residential including garden apartments and assisted living, offices,health care facility, <br /> fitness center, retail and restaurants. <br /> This being the time heretofore set for the Public Hearing on the above bill, proponents <br /> and opponents were given an opportunity to be heard. <br /> There being no one present wishing to speak to the Council either in favor of or in <br /> opposition to this bill, Councilmember Varner made a motion for favorable <br /> recommendation to full Council concerning this bill. Councilmember Kuspa seconded <br /> the motion which carried by a voice vote of nine (9) ayes. <br /> BILL NO. 80-04 PUBLIC HEARING ON A BILL TO VACATE <br /> THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY: A <br /> PORTION OF KALEY STREET, KENWOOD <br /> AVENUE, LINDEN AVENUE, WASHINGTON <br /> STREET AND 2 NEARBY ADJACENT ALLEYS <br /> Councilmember Varner, Chairperson, Public Works and Property Vacation Committee, <br /> reported that this committee held a Public Hearing on this bill this afternoon and voted to <br /> send it to the full Council with a favorable recommendation. <br /> Mr. Bernie Feeney, Lang,Feeney &Associates, Inc., 715 S. Michigan Street, South <br /> Bend, Indiana made the presentation on this bill on behalf of the petitioner The Robert <br /> Bosch Corporation. <br /> 4 <br />