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REGULAR MEETING JANUARY 14, 2013 <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />She stated that she really appreciates being able to work with the Council Members and <br />Catherine Toppel. <br /> <br />Brian Hoover, 1714 Belmont Drive, South Bend, Indiana, spoke in favor of this bill. To speak of <br />possible noise complaints from chickens, a dog kept outside can bark all night, a cat kept outside <br />can fight all night, chickens when the sun goes down they find a perch and go to roost and are <br />dormant and quite until morning, unless some predator attacks them or something. He thanked <br />the Council for their consideration and urged the Council to passed this bill. <br /> <br />Audrey Boyd, 1922 Randolph Street, South Bend, Indiana, stated that it will be wonderful to <br />have chickens to raise. She stated that they will be fun to watch. She asked the Council for their <br />favorable consideration. <br /> <br />Juliet Head, 515 W. Marion, South Bend, Indiana, stated that she wanted to commend the late <br />Martha “Marti” Lewis, who was the first advocate to bring urban chickens to light in South <br />Bend. She stated that it would be commendable to associate this bill with Marti. <br /> <br />Grace Coleman, 508 E. South St., South Bend, Indiana, stated that she first was associated with <br />raising chickens as a project for 4-H. She stated that she loves to take care of them and looks <br />forward to being able to do so in her own backyard. <br /> <br />Mitch, U.S. Hwy 6, Unity Gardens, stated that the Unity Gardens will be holding classes on <br />Urban Chickens. He stated that they also will be the rescue for chickens. <br /> <br />th <br />Kathleen Pettijohn, 119 26 Street, South Bend, Indiana, urged the Council not to raise the <br />standard for those that want to raise chickens. She stated that the proposed additional <br />stipulations would make it too difficult. She urged the Council to vote in favor of this bill <br />without any additional stipulations. <br /> <br />The following individual spoke in opposition to this bill: <br /> <br />Mr. Bill Sykes, St. Joseph County resident, expressed concern about whether the city would be <br />able to enforce the ordinance and what that might mean for the chickens. He stated that they are <br />going to find chickens in dumpsters and chickens wandering around in the alleys in South Bend. <br />He stated that he is a chicken owner himself and that they is a lot of responsibility and cost <br />involved in raising chickens no matter how many. <br /> <br />There being no one else present wishing to speak to the Council either in favor of or in <br />opposition to these bills, Councilmember Dieter made a motion for favorable recommendation to <br />full Council concerning Bill No. 74-11 as amended. Councilmember Scott seconded the motion <br />which carried by a voice vote of six (6) ayes and three (3) nays (Councilmember’s Dr. Fred <br />Ferlic; Dr. David Varner and Oliver Davis.) Additionally Councilmember Dieter made a motion <br />for favorable recommendation to full Council concerning Bill No. 64-12. Councilmember Scott <br />seconded the motion which carried by a voice vote of seven (7) ayes and two (2) nays <br />(Councilmember’s Dr. Fred Ferlic and Dr. David Varner.) <br /> <br /> <br />BILL NO. 70-12 PUBLIC HEARING ON A BILL OF THE <br /> COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH <br /> BEND, INDIANA, AMENDING CHAPTER 2, <br /> ARTICLE 1, SECTION 2-10 (i)(2) OF THE <br /> SOUTH BEND MUNICIPAL CODE <br /> OFFICIALLY CHANGING THE NAME OF THE <br /> COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC <br /> DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE TO THE <br /> COMMUNITY INVESTMENT COMMITTEE <br /> <br />Councilmember Dr. David Varner, Chairperson, Personnel & Finance Committee, reported that <br />this committee met this afternoon on this bill and sends it to the Council with a favorable <br />recommendation. <br />8 <br /> <br /> <br />