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•CITY OF SOUTH BEND I OFFICE OF THE CLERK <br />Committee Member Niezgodski requested clarification on neighborhood infrastructure funding <br />and what is included in the budget. <br />Dan Parker responded that the two million five hundred thousand dollars ($2,500,000) is ARP <br />funding and two million five hundred thousand dollars ($2,500,000) of structural funding from <br />last year's budget which is broken down for city improvements. A sizable portion will be allocated <br />towards traffic calming. <br />Councilmember Lee inquired of the seven million seven hundred thousand dollar ($7,500,000) <br />recovery fund and how to apply. Lee also requests how many minority businesses have applied for <br />the funding and the date for expiration of the loan program. <br />Dan Parker responded that businesses could apply by reaching out to the RLF team through the <br />city website. He stated he will follow up with the amount of minority businesses that have applied. <br />Dan Parker stated nineteen (19) loans have been awarded to businesses and four (4) of those have <br />went to minority businesses. If loans are not initially loaned out by July 27th° then the remainder <br />of the funds would revert to EDA as part of the agreement however if the loans are loaned out <br />before July, the loans will continue to revolve over years as they are paid back. Dan Parker stated <br />that if loans are not awarded, the city will not be able to attain them for the future. <br />Dan Parker stated that CDFI Friendly is working separately to attract CDFI's to provide financing <br />in South Bend. <br />Committee Member Niezgodski inquired about the one million five hundred thousand dollars <br />($1,500,000) towards installing business cameras. <br />Dan Parker responded that the one million five hundred thousand dollars ($1,500,000) was for a <br />public safety technology upgrade. It is not an actual program that has been rolled but has a lot of <br />interest due to increasing residential safety and deferring costs. <br />Committee Chair White inquired on how to best utilize the funding programs with access to <br />information and dollars. <br />Caleb Bauer responded that industrial funding was created and controlled since the 1970's by the <br />federal government until the last few years. The city is looking to review rules since <br />defederalization. <br />Committee Chair White inquired on the report from the Home Repair Program. <br />Caleb Bauer responded that he would follow up with the numbers and overview of the program. <br />Committee Chair White requested for anyone from the public wishing to speak in favor or in <br />opposition. <br />Jordan Geiger, 424 S. Michigan St. unit 660, South Bend, IN, 46601 inquired if the city can make <br />data on spending available by census tracts of where the money is going in terms of specific <br />communities or census tracts that are receiving funding. He also inquired on how the city uses the <br />ten (10) essential questions for policy development as a framework to help ensure equitable <br />EXCELLENCE I ACCOUNTABILITY I INNOVATION I INCLUSION I EMPOWERMENT <br />455 County-City Building, 227 W. Jefferson Bvld !South Bend, Indiana 46601 i p 574.235.9221 (574.235.9173'.. TTD574.235.5567I w <br />