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Public Works and Property Vacation Committee <br /> familiar with selective privatization and the city must weigh whether it is worth the turmoil. He <br /> questioned whether community events would have service. <br /> Jack Dillon questioned whether their rates would be stable. He also noted that there are eight(8) <br /> clean-up crew members and one(1)foreman in Code Enforcement paid by the city rates. He <br /> then showed pictures to the committee and questioned if those situations would be addressed <br /> (trash in a tree lawn and boat). He voiced concern about the loss of control where now all a <br /> Council Member has to do is make a call. <br /> In response to a question from City Clerk John Voorde,Mr. Dillon noted that he currently has <br /> nineteen(19)hourly employees in solid waste and three(3)supervisors,plus the eight(8) <br /> employees in Code Enforcement. <br /> Dr. Varner noted that he never stated that the city's current service is not good,he thought <br /> however that the city should compare and see what others have to offer. <br /> Council Member Pnzzello inquired about white goods. Mr. Dillon stated that Waste <br /> Management picks up white goods but believes there is a fee. <br /> Council Member Coleman noted that in a freely automated system,white goods may come into <br /> question. <br /> Mr. Dillon stated that in the 2004 capital budget there was one for one automated truck which <br /> will be delivered in July. Training will then take place. 6,000 containers will also be delivered <br /> for new subdivisions in the north and west. Letters will be sent once customers are identified. <br /> Council Member Puzzello asked that a copy of the letter be sent to the Council and Mr. Dillon <br /> stated that he would. <br /> Under miscellaneous business,Council Member Dieter inquired about the police and fire <br /> department furnishings. <br /> Mr. Gilot stated that a contract was awarded today by the Board of Public Works. DLZ and <br /> Zimmerman recommended that the contract be awarded which utilized the US Communities <br /> Program and.GSA prices. The contract for installation was$83,000. He stated that they would <br /> prefer local contracts however the savings could be 10-15%. He added that the Legal <br /> Department reviewed this and found it to be acceptable. All contracts involved totaled$3/4 <br /> million. <br /> City Clerk John Voorde inquired whether the electronic bidding process could have been used. <br /> Mr. Gilot noted that the new law takes effect on July 1st and there may be potential savings for <br /> such products. <br /> Public Works and Property Vacation Committee-June 28,2004 Page 4 <br />