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manufacturing business. They reminded the Committee that after 9/11, planes stopped flying. <br /> The good news is that there has been some recovery,however their base business is down by 9%. <br /> They are now focusing on repair and overall. The overall airline industry has been brutal since <br /> 9/11. Delta is one of their biggest customers. They will look at investments noting the figures of <br /> $66.7 million vs. $51.8 million. <br /> Council Member Kelly thanked the representatives of Honeywell for their information. <br /> Eaton Corporation: <br /> Council Member Kelly then called for a presentation from EATON Corporation. <br /> Mr. Don Davis, Manager of the property tax division of Eaton Corporation with offices at 1111 <br /> then addressed the <br /> Committee. He provided a <br /> Superior Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio 44114-2584 the p <br /> one-page handout to the Committee (copy attached). He noted that on 12-31-99 they had 137 <br /> employees and met all of the local requirements. They often use temporary employees who <br /> work with full-time employees. The South Bend operation is a forge plant which makes gears <br /> a nd parts fo r th e <br /> transmission <br /> plant used i n heavy-duty <br /> trucks.s. 15/ <br /> of their business is outside <br /> other Eaton companies. <br /> anies.p <br /> In response to a question from Council Member Puzzello, Mr. Davis stated that by the end of <br /> 2000, the economy was already going south, noting that they had three (3) different lay-offs in <br /> 2000. The Eaton Corporation has made a lot of cuts and are attempting to diversify their overall <br /> operations. By the end of 2004 they should have 124 full-time employees and 10 temporary <br /> employees, noting that they do not hire part-time employees. They hire their temporary <br /> employees through temp agencies. <br /> Council Member Kelly thanked Mr. Davis for the additional information. <br /> Council Member Kelly noted that no formal action would be taken today, noting that it appeared <br /> that each of the companies were making good faith efforts to comply however each has been <br /> affected by the economy. He then adjourned the meeting at 5:04 p.m. <br /> Re llxitted, <br /> Council Member o and Kell ,Chairperson <br /> Community and Economic Development Committee <br /> KCF:kmf <br /> Attachments <br /> November 15,2004 Community and Economic Development Committee meeting of the 2005 South Bend Common Council -page 3- <br />