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number should be reached some time in the near future. The Walnut Street facility has two (2) <br /> shifts and there is a decline in product. Currently they have not found the right markets. The <br /> building cost was $174,025 short of the projected cost; however it was a 50,000 square foot <br /> addition. Mr. Hernly stated that he believes more was invested, and will look into the actual <br /> amount. The facility is owned by Steel Warehouse and is then leased to Lock Joint Tube. <br /> With regard to the Ireland Road facility, the building addition is short $178,000 and they are <br /> down 13 jobs. It was noted that they have always exceeded the payroll amount projections, even <br /> when the head-count was down. Mr. Hernly stated that he would send additional information to <br /> Council Member Kelly. <br /> Council Member Kelly thanked the representatives of Lock Joint Tube for their presentation. <br /> Bowne of South Bend,Inc.: <br /> Council Member Kelly then asked representatives from Bowne of South Bend, Inc. to address <br /> the Committee. <br /> Dan Smith, Controller and Jerry Christianson, Vice-President & General Manager noted that <br /> they are 24 employees below the projected number. This is their first abatement and without the <br /> abatement their company would be seriously affected. In 2001 two (2) production lines were <br /> added and alot of temporary help was hired. 173 hours per month are considered a full-time <br /> employee equivalent. The company does financial printing for companies in New York and <br /> Chicago. They noted the following: <br /> $44 million in sales 361 IPO's&MNA's in calendar year 2000 <br /> $30 million in sales 108 IPO's&MNA's in calendar year 2003 <br /> There has been a steady decline in light of mergers and acquisitions. In May of 2003 they were <br /> told to reduce employment by 25 employees because of business being down. However there is <br /> a new President of the company in New York who decided to go back to the basics. The South <br /> Bend plant is the most profitable of the Bowne operations. They are pursuing mutual fund <br /> printing opportunities but do not believe that they will be able to hire back the 25 employees. <br /> They appreciate the tax abatement,however since 9/I1 the financial markets have not recovered. <br /> The projections made in their documents were made in good faith. Prior to 9/11 they were a <br /> 24/7 operation. Mr. Christianson stated that when business is slow they ask an employee to take <br /> a 1/2 day off in order to make it thru these tough financial times. <br /> Council Member Kelly thanked the company representatives for the additional information. <br /> Honeywell International: <br /> Council Member Kelly then called for information from the representatives from Honeywell. <br /> Pete Fera, Chief Financial Officer and Julie Tenney, Communications Director of Honeywell <br /> Aircraft Landing System with office at 3520 Westmoor Street, South Bend, Indiana 46628 then <br /> addressed the Committee. They agreed to submit a new'CF-l. They stated that prior to 9/11 <br /> there were 886 employees, now they have 657 employees. Their company is in the aircraft <br /> November 15,2004 Community and Economic Development Committee meeting of the 2005 South Bend Common Council -page 2- <br />