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Personnel and Finance Committee <br /> August 28, 2002 <br /> Page 3 <br /> will be purchased next year at a cost of$400 each. <br /> Council Member Pfeifer suggested that training be increased by ten percent(10%). <br /> Services Chief Kilgore noted that in addition to the training budget they have access to other funds <br /> where the percentage of tickets, records fees, asset forfeiture are deposited. It is also hoped that <br /> the proposed Alarm Ordinance which has been in the works for quite some time would also <br /> generate additional funds for training. <br /> The Council Attorney asked how many officers were participating in the Operation Safe <br /> Neighborhoods Programand whether the Council should review the boundaries. <br /> It was noted that between 35-36 officers are currently in the program, with this program being <br /> budgeted for 40 officers. The Chiefs stated that there are some areas which should be reviewed <br /> and perhaps the Council could review their recommended changes by the end of the year <br /> Council Member Kirsits asked about an update on the Ford vehicles. Chief Bennett stated that they <br /> still do not have a definitive answer from Ford. To date they have offered to give a $3,000 <br /> deduction for future purchases. <br /> Council Member Kirsits inquired about defibulators in the squad cars. It was noted that <br /> defibulators are in all of the supervisor's vehicles, are at the station, and are with the SWAT team. <br /> The Council Attorney inquired about the number of officers who have signed up to work Notre <br /> Dame football detail. Chief Bennett stated that it was his understanding that the FOP was going to <br /> vote whether to participate. Currently there are 7 openings for inbound traffic detail and 5 <br /> openings for out-bound traffic detail. <br /> Dr. Varner inquired about the $87,355 budgeted for overtime to work Notre Dame football traffic <br /> detail. It was noted that there will be additional costs to work night games to pay for the fusees <br /> which cost approximately $1,000 a box. The City paid for the one-time cost of reflector vests <br /> previously. <br /> Council Member White inquired whether the City has ever recently approached Notre Dame with <br /> regard to paying for the cost of overtime, or at least sharing this cost. She suggested that perhaps <br /> there should at least be discussions held on this topic since the number of cars going to the games <br /> has increased with the stadium being enlarged. <br /> Services Chief Kilgore noted that the extra costs for candidates has also been raised. Chief Bennett <br /> noted that he had his first contact yesterday with the Secret Service for President Bush's visit to the <br /> city on September 5th. Two(2) shifts will be involved which with at least triple the cost of Vice- <br /> President Cheney's visit which cost$10,000. Council Member Kirsits noted that additional costs <br /> were incurred by the Fire Department also for the Vice-President's visit. <br /> Dr. Varner suggested that a food and beverage tax be looked into to possibly pay for such costs, or <br /> to look at alternative user fees. <br /> Council Member Pfeifer stressed that the City must prioritize its resources and look at all sources <br /> of revenue. <br />