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Zoning and Annexation Committee <br /> October 9, 2002 <br /> Page 3 - <br /> Mr. Sante noted that 90% of the time Area Plan would have similar recommendations as <br /> community development. <br /> Larry Magliozzi stated that the City Plan would hopefully fill the gaps between the proposed <br /> comprehensive plan and the neighborhood plans; however there need to be overall guiding <br /> principles development by the Administration and Council. <br /> Dr. Varner inquired what are the top three (3) goals which the comprehensive plan is trying to <br /> achieve, noting that it is being proposed as a document which will be in place for the next twenty <br /> (20) years. He asked about sewer and water districts; industrial areas; and what agencies are <br /> driving the proposed comprehensive plan. <br /> Mr. Sante stated that the most important part of the plan would be that it proposes a"smart growth <br /> model", that there would be growth where it makes the most amount of sense. <br /> Dr. Varner asked if one of the goals of the proposed plan would be that there would be no new <br /> subdivisions without a sewer and water services. <br /> Mr. Sante stated that this is not one of the goals since the plan sets public policy. New regulations <br /> addressing sewer/water services are coming from the State Department of Public Health. He noted <br /> that Baker&Daniels has been hired to draft a new zoning ordinance for the city. <br /> The Council Attorney inquired when the Common Council would have input to the zoning <br /> ordinance drafting process. <br /> Council Member White suggested that early input from the Council would make a proposed city <br /> zoning ordinance more effective. <br /> Jon Hunt suggested that"common sense issues from the Council" should be encouraged. <br /> Council Member White suggested that a framework of the proposed ordinance be provided to the <br /> Council. She also suggested that the Council could prepare a list of needs which the Council <br /> believes are topics should be addressed such as cell towers, secondary uses at commercial areas in <br /> light of the many outdoor shoe sales currently going on each weekend;etc. <br /> Dr. Varner stated that there has been a great "leap of faith" with regard to the public comments <br /> since several are not valid. He voiced concern that the proposed comprehensive plan would be <br /> based on many"false assumptions"as currently drafted. <br /> Mr. Sante stated that the public comments were merely responses and that there was no analysis of <br /> those comments. <br /> Council Member White inquired whether each of the Neighborhood Associations have been <br /> provided with a copy of the proposed comprehensive plan. She noted that providing such <br /> information which assist in the discussion and educational process. She suggested that each of the <br /> Presidents of the neighborhood associations be given copies for review and discussion with their <br /> groups. <br />