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Zoning and Annexation Committee <br /> October 9, 2002 <br /> Page 2 <br /> funding such as the"weed and seed"program which targets specific areas. Her staff helps educate <br /> individuals on all of the other items which are in place and may impact their areas. Ms. Meyer <br /> stated that often times the amount of detail is based on the amount of monies made available for a <br /> project. She noted that many of the plans are old and should be updated and then formally <br /> approved. She sees this as an opportunity and a challenge to connect discussions to the plans and <br /> an understanding of each of the areas to the whole. <br /> The Commercial Corridor map, the Neighborhood Organization Boundary map, and the City of <br /> South Bend Land Use Map of 1998 were then shown to the Committee. <br /> The Council Attorney inquired whether copies of each of the maps shown to the Committee could <br /> be provided to the City Clerk's Office so that they could be placed on an eisle and made available to <br /> the entire Council. <br /> In response to a question from Dr. Varner,it was noted that each of the maps were GIS generated. <br /> Marco Mariani noted that much can be done in light of GIS and that several staff members are <br /> receiving training in this area. <br /> Mr. Hunt noted that many of the planning initiatives are driven by federal funds, however there <br /> should be overall planning going on. The proposed City Plan which is currently underway is an <br /> attempt to get away from federally driven or focused programs. Mr. Hunt noted that the Council's <br /> support and direction is needed. The City Administration and the Council need to work hard so <br /> that they can direct dollars to carry out specific plans and advance those plans. <br /> Ms. Meyer noted that under the Good Neighbor/Good Neighborhoods they will be looking at all <br /> plans rather than on a project by project basis. <br /> Marco Mariani noted that such questions as what is the process for updating; what should be <br /> presented to the Council;etc. are just some of the areas being discussed. He also stressed the need <br /> for formatting all future plans the same. Currently there is an informal relationship with Area Plan, <br /> noting that land use plans are not addressed currently. With regard to the City Plan, he asked how <br /> is a neighborhood area selected since there are many areas which need strategic planning. <br /> Jon Hunt noted that the neighborhood plans require a lot of leg work of his staff working in the <br /> neighborhoods. Planners no longer just sit at a computer but rather they also work directly in the <br /> neighborhoods. <br /> Pam Meyer stressed that the process can be an invaluable educational tool. They are currently <br /> interviewing consultants for the weed and seed program areas. They are seeking more people to <br /> become involved. <br /> Marco Mariani also noted that the gaps between the various plans must also be addressed, since <br /> currently there is no direct linkage. Funding priorities must be made. He sees the need to prepare <br /> a simple map where points of conflict are identified. He also sees the need to develop a checklist. <br /> Jon Hunt noted that if a more formal process is needed between the City and Area Plan that those <br /> discussions must take place. He noted that currently there are five(5) commercial corridors. <br />