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John Livingston, attorney for the Historic Preservation Commission, stated that he was uncertain <br /> if the Bill could be continued,but would check on the procedure before the 7 pm meeting. <br /> Council Member Kuspa then called for a vote. The motion passed 3-1 with Council Member <br /> Rouse in the minority. <br /> Council Member Kuspa then called for a presentation on Bill No. 5-19 which is a petition of the <br /> South Bend Board of Zoning Appeals for the property located at 3201 West Western Avenue. <br /> Building Commissioner Don Fozo noted that the Board of Zoning Appeals met on February 17, <br /> 2005 on the special exception and sends the Bill to the Council with a favorably <br /> recommendation which would permit the auto sales operation subject to compliance to the <br /> landscaping requirements of the new zoning ordinance. <br /> Bernie Feeney of Lang, Feeney & Associates, Inc., with offices located at 715 South Michigan <br /> Street in downtown South Bend made the presentation. He noted that he represents Hot Wheels <br /> by Miguel Becerril who will be making a significant investment. There was no opposition at the <br /> Board of Zoning Appeals meeting. <br /> Council President Pfeifer asked if the petitioner met with the neighbors to receive their input. <br /> Mr. Feeney stated that notice was sent to all property owners within 300 feet of the property and <br /> that the Bill was property advertised. He noted that he had not met with the neighbors and was <br /> unaware of any concerns. Council Member Kuspa noted that the property in question is a former <br /> tavern. <br /> Council President Pfeifer stated that she is concerned about the number of auto sales operations <br /> and auto salvage operations. She stated that the next meeting of the neighborhood would be at <br /> the Charles Black Center next Tuesday at 5:30 p.m. and that Gail Brodie should be contacted. <br /> Mr. Feeney stated that the proposed Bill is not for an auto salvage operation. Mr. Feeney then <br /> requested that Bill No. 05-19 be continued until the March 28, 2005 Council meeting to enable <br /> him to attend the neighborhood meeting next Tuesday. He stated that he would report back <br /> thereafter to the Council President. <br /> Council Member Dieter then made a motion, seconded by Council Member Kirsits that Bill <br /> No.05-19 be continued to March 28th at the request of the petitioner. The motion passed. <br /> There being no further business to come before the Zoning and Annexation Committee, Council <br /> Member Kuspa adjourned the committee meeting at 4:20 p.m. <br /> Respectfully submitted, <br /> Council Member Ervin Kuspa, Chairperson <br /> Zoning and Annexation Committee <br /> KCF:kmf <br /> Attachments <br /> March 14,2005 Zoning and Annexation Committee of the 2005 South Bend Common Council -page 3- <br />