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r � <br /> Zoning and Annexation Committee <br /> 2005 South Bend Common Council <br /> The March 14,2005 meeting of the Zoning and Annexation Committee was called to order by its <br /> Chairperson, Council Member Ervin Kuspa at 3:30 p.m.,in the Council Informal Meeting Room. <br /> Persons in attendance included Council Members Dieter, Pfeifer, Puzzello, Kelly, Varner, <br /> Kuspa, White, Kirsits and Rouse; Citizen Members Martha Lewis and Isabel Gonzalez, Don <br /> Fozo,Building Commissioner; Executive Director of the Department of Economic Development <br /> Sharon Kendall, Don Inks, Jack Dillon, Howard Buchanon, Assistant City Attorney Ann-Carol <br /> Nash, Assistant City Attorney John Livingston, Wayne Doolittle, Rita Kopala, City Clerk John <br /> Voorde, Kolin Hodgson, President of the Chapin Board, Catherine D. Hostetler, Director of the <br /> Historic Preservation Commission; Bernie Feeney, Todd Zeiger of Historic Landmarks of <br /> Indiana, Bob Yapp, Margaret Porter, Dan Slatery, Jeff Parrott of the &tag,93.1 S.a.and <br /> Kathleen Cekanski-Farrand, Council Attorney. <br /> Council Member Kuspa noted that the Committee members include Council Members Kirsits, <br /> Dieter,Rouse, and himself as the Committee Chairperson. <br /> Council Member Kuspa stated that the purpose of today's public hearing is to have preliminary <br /> statements and that a full public hearing will be held before the Common Council this evening. <br /> He then called for a presentation on Substitute Bill No. 67-04 which would amend the zoning <br /> ordinance by creating the Chapin Park Historic Preservation District. <br /> Catherine D. Hostetler,Director of the Historic Preservation Commission, who resides as 708 N. <br /> St. Joseph Street noted that they would like to show a brief PowerPoint presentation. She <br /> provided a "Summary Report" on the proposed Chapin Park Local Historic District (2 pages <br /> attached) which gave a chronological summary of activities; the boundaries of the proposed <br /> district;the Historic District Designation Criteria,namely: <br /> 1. Historic and Cultural Value <br /> 2. Educational Value <br /> 3. Suitability for Preservation. <br /> The report and presentation concluded that the proposed district "overwhelmingly meets all <br /> three of these criteria". <br /> Kolin Hodgson, President of the Chapin Board, and residing at 807 Ashland, continued the <br /> PowerPoint presentation which showed characteristic buildings, a summary of the designation <br /> process, information on the Chapin Board, a summary of the Chapin meetings from 2001 <br /> through 2005, as well as a summary of the newsletters, web site information operable since June <br /> of 2003 and ListServe which has been in place since December of 2002. He then briefly <br /> reviewed a"Chapin Park Survey Response" and showed a pie-chart which depicted 80%yes and <br /> 20%No with the survey being conducted 02-23-05 through 03-13-05. There were 110 residents <br /> in favor and 28 against. He noted that he has been on the Chapin Board for five (5) years. He <br /> stated that there are three (3) methods in which the local historic district process can begin, <br /> namely by 51% of the residents, by a member of the Common Council or by the Area Plan <br /> March 14,2005 Zoning and Annexation Committee of the 2005 South Bend Common Council -page 1- <br />