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a tt 4 <br /> Mr. Feeney stated that he does not recall the officers calling the property a "problem property" <br /> and that any "illegal" uses were going on. He stated that he is unaware of any calls for service <br /> since his client has purchased the property, and that perhaps the officers were looking at a longer <br /> period of time when they made their remarks. <br /> Mr. Fozo stated that the Board of Zoning Appeals held a public hearing on the special exception <br /> request on February 17, 2005 and sends it to the Council with a favorable 4-0 vote. <br /> Dr. Varner requested Mr. Fozo to check the permits for the property, if at all possible before <br /> tonight's meeting. <br /> Mr. Fozo noted that LB allows retail, office and upgrades to such operations; however any <br /> automobile use requires a special exception per the new ordinance. <br /> In response to a question from Council Member Rouse, Mr. Fozo noted that the building was <br /> cited and that the petitioner then filed for the special exception. He confirmed that the petitioner <br /> was repairing on the property. <br /> Council Member Rouse asked if members of the neighborhood group would be present this <br /> evening. <br /> Council President Pfeifer stated that Ms. Brodie could not come tonight and therefore sent the <br /> letter. She added that 25-30 people attending the neighborhood meeting. <br /> Mr. Feeney stated that he believes that his client is upgrading the property. He stated that if the <br /> petition is rejected that he would hate to see it become a bar again. Mr. Feeney then requested to <br /> postpone further action on Bill No.05-19. <br /> Council President Pfeifer stated that she hoped things could be worked out. <br /> Council Member White suggested that perhaps a compromise could be reached if the Council <br /> heard from the petitioner. <br /> Mr. Feeney stated that the petitioner is not comfortable coming to the podium and that he is <br /> more comfortable having him speak on his behalf. Mr. Feeney suggested a meeting with the <br /> Executive Board of the LaSalle Park Neighborhood Association. <br /> Council Member P1177ello suggested that police reports from July of 2004 through the present <br /> also be reviewed so that the Council could see if calls for service were when the property was <br /> under different ownership. <br /> Mr. Feeney then formally requested that Bill No. 05-19 be postponed until April 11,2005. <br /> Council Member Kuspa stated that the bill would be delayed until the next Council meeting at <br /> the request of the petitioner. <br /> March 28,2005 Zoning and Annexation Committee of the 2005 South Bend Common Council -page 3- <br />