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._ }. <br /> Council Member Kuspa then called for a presentation on Bill No. 05-19 which would approve a <br /> petition of the South Bend Board of Zoning Appeals for the property located at 3201 W. Western <br /> Avenue. Council Member Kuspa noted that this would permit a used car operation and was <br /> continued at the request of the Petitioner for two(2)weeks. <br /> J. Bernard Feeney of Lang, Feeney and Associates, Inc. with offices located at 715 South <br /> Michigan in downtown South Bend made the presentation on behalf of Miguel Becerril. Mr. <br /> Feeney stated that at the request of Council President Pfeifer he attended the LaSalle Park <br /> Neighborhood Association meeting and made a presentation. He noted that the Association <br /> believes that another car shop would not be beneficial to the area. A copy of the letter dated <br /> March 28, 2005 from Gail Brodie,President of the LaSalle Park Neighborhood Association was <br /> tendered into the record(copy attached). <br /> Mr. Feeney stated that he met with his client, Miguel Becerril, and believes that additional <br /> information about him should be shared with the committee. Mr. Becerril has been a US citizen <br /> since 1983 and moved here from California. He is married and has three (3) children. He <br /> purchased a home at 4977 Scenic Drive. He has worked for five (5) years in the auto business <br /> and also in a local factory. He purchased the property in question in July of 2004. This property <br /> has previously used as a bar, a restaurant, and a day care facility. He has made improvements to <br /> the property at his cost of approximately $35,000 to $40,000 for materials alone. He noted that <br /> he purchased the property from an older couple who could not afford to maintain the property. It <br /> has an eye-catching paint job (yellow with purple trim) and has built an addition on the rear of <br /> the property resulting in doubling the size of the square footage. He has three (3) full-time <br /> employees and two (2) part-time employees and his wife works as a bookkeeper. Mr. Becerril <br /> plans to reside the structure so that it will all match and be a light brown color when completed. <br /> He plans to repair the asphalt by installing a topper. He also plans to install a low decorative <br /> fence on the front of the property consistent with city ordinances. He concluded his remarks <br /> requesting a favorably recommendation from the Committee to the full Council. <br /> Dr. Varner inquired about the zoning. <br /> Building Commissioner Don Fozo stated that it is zoned okay for the rehab. The petitioner is <br /> asking for a special use which is required by the new zoning ordinance for auto sales. Retail <br /> would be permissible. <br /> Mr. Feeney added that diagonally there is an auto sales operation from the property in question, <br /> and therefore would not be a new use in the block. <br /> Council President Pfeifer thanked Mr. Feeney for going to the LaSalle Park Neighborhood <br /> Association meeting. She questioned how the proposed use would fit into the City Plan and the <br /> Weed& Seed area. She stated that three (3) police officers attended the neighborhood meeting <br /> and reported that there was"illegal and questionable behavior" at the subject property; as well as <br /> a lot of calls for service. She noted that when neighbors do not support a project, she will not <br /> support a project. She hoped that the petitioner would meet with the police and the neighbors. <br /> March 28,2005 Zoning and Annexation Committee of the 2005 South Bend Common Council -page 2- <br />