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Council Member White inquired about how competitive the development would be since the <br /> petitioner originally proposed 54 units. Mr. Mihalche stated that they have removed the health <br /> club and related amenities. He further noted in response to a question from Council Member <br /> Kelly that each condo would have two (2) bedrooms and a garage. In response to a question <br /> from Council President Pfeifer he stated that the floodplain was in the southwest quadrant which <br /> remain as green space. <br /> Council Member Kirsits joined the Committee meeting, and a quorum was now present. <br /> Council Member Kuspa then opened the meeting to public comments, limiting such comments <br /> to two (2) in favor and two (2) against; and encouraging persons to speak at the 7 p.m. public <br /> hearing on the substitute bill. <br /> Chris Tressell of the Department of Community and Economic Development spoke in favor of <br /> the project and rezoning. He noted that for the past decade the department has been involved in <br /> this area. The development would enhance residential development and would continue to <br /> encourage development in this area. The proposal is appropriate and lends credence to the area. <br /> Kitty Kershan, President of the River Park Neighborhood Association stated that on February 3, <br /> 2005 they unanimously voted in favor of the project. On March 3, 2005 they invited Carl Littrell <br /> to their meeting to address any traffic concerns, since the neighborhood wants the area to be <br /> safe. On April 7, 2005 the latest site plan was shown which now proposes 1/3 of the area as <br /> green space. She noted that there was mis-information being circulated on the project such as it <br /> being apartments and not condos. She stated that the neighborhood association supports the <br /> project. <br /> The owner of 3310 Northside Boulevard provided notebooks to the Committee entitled"Friends <br /> of River Park: Rezoning Remonstrance Common Council Bill: 1-05" (copy attached). He <br /> directed the committee to Tab No. 3 and addressed the r'EMA map, and noted that there is a <br /> steep slope at the end of the floodway. He noted that he discussed the need for commitments <br /> with the Area Plan Commission. On page 6 under Tab No. 1, he noted that Gerry Phipps of the <br /> Area Plan Commission voiced concern about accountability. He urged the Council to require <br /> written commitments. He suggested that the condos are not in compliance with the City Plan. <br /> He stated that no contact has been made with DNR and the Army Corps of Engineers. <br /> Pamela J. Tanber of 3214 Northside Boulevard stated that she believes it is illegal to build in the <br /> floodway under Indiana Code 14-28. In 2003, the water rose by 10.8'. She stated that she is <br /> having trouble"getting her arms around the proposal" since it keeps changing. She said it began <br /> with 70 units, then 54, then 46. She noted that over 300 signatures have been collected against <br /> the proposal. She believes in development, but in single-family development for the area. <br /> Condos which are stacked are high-dense buildings. There will be serious traffic problems <br /> which is near an elementary school. She noted that two(2)people have been killed in the area. <br /> Council Member Kelly stated that he has heard that some of the residents may be able to <br /> purchase the property in question for single-family development. <br /> Ms. Tanber stated that there is to be a closing on the property in ten(10)days. <br /> April 11,2005 Zoning and Annexation Committee of the 2005 South Bend Common Council -page 2- <br />