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Council Member Kuspa then called for a presentation on Bill No. 05-111 which is a petition of <br /> the South Bend Board of Zoning Appeals for the property located at 6302 U.S. 31 South. <br /> Don Fozo, Building Commissioner reported that the Bill was heard by the Board of Zoning <br /> Appeals on August 18, 2005 and is sent to the Council with a favorable recommendation for the <br /> special exception request to permit automobile sales and services on the property located at 6306 <br /> U.S. 31 South. <br /> James A. Masters, an attorney with offices located at 211 West Washington, Suite 1720 in <br /> downtown South Bend made the presentation. He noted that this will be the 3rd public hearing <br /> on the property, noting that the annexation was unanimously approved earlier this Summer. <br /> Under the new zoning code, a special exception is required for automobile display. He noted <br /> that there is no problem with the drainage ditch which was raised at the earlier public hearings. <br /> The site has been an automotive display use for the past ten(10)years when it was in the county. <br /> No one from the public spoke in favor or in opposition to the Bill. <br /> Council Member Dieter made a motion, seconded by Council Member Rouse that Bill No. <br /> 05-111 be recommended favorably to Council. The motion passed. <br /> Council Member Kuspa then called for a BZA report and form presentation on Bill No. 05-112 <br /> which would approve a petition of the South Bend Board of Zoning Appeals for the property <br /> located at 1622 North Johnson Street. <br /> Don Fozo, Building Commissioner reported that the Bill was heard by the Board of Zoning <br /> Appeals on August 18, 2005 and is sent to the Council with a favorable recommendation subject <br /> to the number of children in the group home not exceeding two (2). <br /> Ruby Stine Newbill of 1626 North Johnson Street made the presentation. She noted that her <br /> father who was present owns the property in question. She would like to open a group home at <br /> the location which would provide residential treatment care for children who are at risk. She <br /> would work with the Department of Social Services and the court system. She noted that two (2) <br /> bedrooms would be used and she agreed to the limitation of two (2) children at the BZA <br /> meeting. <br /> In response to questions from Council Member White, Ms. Newbill stated that she would work <br /> directly with the Department of Social Services and the Juvenile Justice Center for referrals. <br /> She added that three (3) persons did speak in opposition to the proposal at the BZA meeting but <br /> that she has since addressed their concerns. Council Member White noted that Ms. Newbill is <br /> known to be a person of good character. <br /> In response to questions from Council Members Puzzello and Varner, Ms. Newbill stated that <br /> the children would be monitored 24/7 by paid staff who are trained,but that the staff would not <br /> be staying overnight, but rather there would be three (3) separate shifts and none would live-in. <br /> Ms. Newbill stated that she worked in Charlotte,NC for ten(10)years. She showed a proposed <br /> business plan as well as a policy and procedures book which would be followed. She noted that <br /> September 12,2005 Zoning and Annexation Committee of the 2005 South Bend Common Council -Page 4- <br />