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Council Member Rouse made a motion, seconded by Council Member Dieter that Bill No. <br /> 05-109 be recommended favorably to Council. The motion passed. <br /> Council Member Kuspa then called for a BZA report and a formal presentation on Bill No. <br /> 05-110 which would approve a petition from the Board of Zoning Appeals for the property <br /> located at 926 Blaine Street. <br /> Don Fozo, Building Commissioner reported that the Bill was heard by the Board of Zoning <br /> Appeals on August 18,2005 and is sent to the Council without a recommendation. <br /> Sara A. Williams of 926 Land Trust made the presentation. She noted that the special exception <br /> would allow the property to be used as a duplex. The property had been used as a 3-unit <br /> apartment which had been grandfathered as a non-conforming use. Since the building sat vacant <br /> for approximately a year, it lost its grandfathered status. She noted that it would be cost <br /> prohibitive to change this structure to a single-family home. They have hired an architect who is <br /> working on a report about the structure and whether it can be changed, however that report will <br /> not be ready by this evening. She plans to have a construction foreman here this evening. She <br /> noted that there were remonstrators at the BZA meeting who voiced concern about a rental status <br /> for the building. She noted that their company rehabs and sees properties primarily to <br /> homeowners. The small apartment would enable them to sell the property so that it would not <br /> sit vacant. <br /> Council Member Dieter inquired about the grandfather status. Mr. Fozo stated that it was <br /> previously grandfathered as a legal non-conforming use prior to it becoming vacant. <br /> Council Member Dieter voiced concern about the request,noting that it is near Muessel School. <br /> Council Member White inquired about no formal recommendation from the BZA, and noted that <br /> she would support this matter being continued. <br /> Mr. Fozo stated that the BZA only had three (3) members present at their meeting and questions <br /> were raised as to whether the request was consistent with the comprehensive plan for the area. <br /> He also confirmed that three(3)people spoke against the request at the BZA meeting. <br /> Ms. Williams stated that she spoke with a representative of the neighborhood organization for <br /> the area before the Committee meeting. <br /> Council Member Pnzzello stated that a letter from that representative as to their position would <br /> be helpful. <br /> Ms. Williams then requested that Bill No.05-110 be continued until September 26th to allow her <br /> to have the architecture's report completed and to follow up with the neighborhood group. She <br /> stated that she can be contacted at her office at 287-0444 or at her cell phone 532-3654. <br /> No one from the public spoke in favor or in opposition to the Bill. <br /> Council Member spoke in favor of the proposed continuance and then made a motion to that <br /> effect. It was seconded by Council Member Dieter and carried. <br /> September 12,2005 Zoning and Annexation Committee of the 2005 South Bend Common Council -Page 3- <br />